The Sun Also Rise's

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(The Quarry)

Bella's POV.

Me and Elena are sitting on either side of Jenna and we comfort her, as she clutches her head in pain.

"Oh, my head. What's wrong with me?" Jenna asks us, I really wish she didn't have to get involved with all of this.

"Do you remember what happened?" Elena asks her quietly.

"Bella called me. You were so scared. Oh, ah, I should have realized that it wasn't you. The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me. A vampire" She tells us, Katherine was pretending to be me.

"Klaus. It was Klaus" I say to her.

"He made me drink his blood. And I don't...I don't remember anything after that" She tells us as she looks around anxiously "Where are we? What happened?" She asks us, and I take her hands in me as Elena rubs her back for comfort.

"We're at the quarry. He brought us here" Elena explains to her.

"Why don't I remember anything?" She asks us, I turn to look at Elena with sad eyes.

"Jenna, do you remember...When we told you how someone becomes a vampire?" I ask Jenna, as I turn to took at her.

"Yeah, if you die with vampire blood in your system, it's..." She tells us, but pauses when she realises something "Oh, god. He killed me" Jenna says as she starts to cry.

"Jenna, listen to me. Listen to me; everything's going to be okay. We're going to get you out of here" I promise her.

"I'm a vampire?" Jenna whispers to herself, as tears stream down her face.

"And I bet you're hungry" I hear someone say, and I turn around to see the witch walk words us.

I then see a sharp rock nearby and I rush to grab it, but I'm suddenly thrown a couple of feet and my back slams against a tree, and I groan in pain. I look up and a suddenly circle of fire surrounds me.

I start to growl at the witch and I feel my eyes glow yellow, so I quickly run towards her, but I'm stopped by a wall of fire and I burn my hands and some of my clothing.

"Don't bother trying to get through. I spelled the circle. You're trapped. No matter what you do" The witch tells me, and I slowly step away from the fire.

"Greta...Please, just- just let her go" Elena begs her as she is also in a circle of fire... Wait, isn't Greta the name of the Mr. Martin's daughter that him and his son have been looking for.

I then see Greta slice her wrist open wih a sharp rock, and blood drips from her wound. I look over at Jenna and she is looking at it, and she looks really hungry.

"Klaus chose her" Greta says as she walks towards Jenna.

"No!" I shout at her, as Greta lowers her wrist towards Jenna.

"Drink it" Greta tells her.

"Jenna, don't!" I shout at her.

"I can't" Jenna says in a hypnotising voice as she looks at Greta's wrist.

"Let her go. Hey!" Elena tries to say, but Jenna continues to stare at Greta's bloody wrist and finally sinks her teeth in "No! No" Elena shouts at her.

As Jenna drinks from her, I look at her with tears starting to stream on down my face. I see Jenna close her eyes as the warm blood enters her mouth. After a few moments, Greta pulls her wrist out of Jenna's grip and Jenna falls to the ground.

"That's enough" Greta tells her, as she stands up.

"Jenna. It's going to be okay" I tell her, and Greta flicks her wrist and another circle of fire surrounds Jenna. Jenna then retreats from the flames as she has a terrified look on her face.

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