Crying Wolf

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(Skip to the Salvatore Boarding House)

Bella's POV.

My eyes start to flutter open as I wake up, I slowly sit up and I realise I'm in Stefan's bedroom. I look over to the bottom of the bed and there is a dress with a note attached to it. I slowly crawl over to it as I'm still sore from where I was shot, and I pick up the note and read it.

---There's Historical Tea Party at the Lockwoods, if your feeling up to it here's a dress if you want to join me there X Damon---

I look back over to the dress, and the color is blood red which was tight around the waist, but the flows out from the waist to the thigh.

[Bella's Dress]-->

I sigh as I look at my wounds which aren't fully healed yet, I guess I'll have to cover my arm with a jacket and hopefully the dress is long enough to hide the bandage over my leg

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I sigh as I look at my wounds which aren't fully healed yet, I guess I'll have to cover my arm with a jacket and hopefully the dress is long enough to hide the bandage over my leg.

(Skip to the Lockwood Residence)

After I put the dress on it thankfully covered the bullet wounds on my leg, and I put my leather jacket on to cover the wound on my arm. I walked into the Lockwood Residence and finally found Damon in the living room, who also looks looks he's looking for someone.

"Damon? Who are you looking for?" I ask him, and he turns around to look at me as he eyes me up and down, but suddenly get's distracted when he's looking over my shoulder.

"Elijah, come on" He tells me and pulls me by hand as we make our way over to Carol Lockwood and Elijah.

"Damon, Bella" Carol says as we approach them and I quickly remove my hand from Damon's.

"Carol" Damon says to her.

"What a surprise" She says as they exchange kisses on the cheek, an then she turns to me.

"Hi, Mrs. Lockwood" I say with a small smile and she pulls me into a hug.

"It's great to see you" She tells me as we pull away "Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. His family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families" She introduces them.

"Mm-hm" Damon hums as he turns to look at Elijah "Such a pleasure to meet you" Damon says to him.

"No. Pleasure's mine" Elijah tells him as they shake hands, and Elijah turns to me after "It's lovely to see you again, Bella" He tells me as he he takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.

"It is" I smile at him, and he smiles back.

After a few minutes of talking with carol, Damon wanted to talk to Elijah for a moment so all three of us walked into Mayor Lockwoods old study.

"What can I do for you, Damon?" Elijah asks as I take a seat on sofa.

"I was hoping we could have a word" Damon says to him.

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