Kill or Be Killed (Edited)

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(The Mystic Falls Public Park)

Bella's POV.

A few months ago, mine and Elena's parents signed us up for this charity thing to help build a public park for the locals in Mystic Falls, and today is the day we have to help. So right now me, Elena and Caroline are painting a small music stage in the park, and Caroline is telling us how her mom is doing a great job as mom.

"So suddenly, she's in the running for Mother of the Year just when I'm trying to avoid her the most. I'm babbling, you don't want to hear all this." Caroline says to us, yeah I really don't, her mom is one of the best people I know.

"Oh, no, sorry. Then what happened?" Elena asks her, great she's going to continue complaining about how amazingly great her mom is.

"Well, I was a bitch which is part for the course with us. So, how are things with you and Stefan? Anything?" She asks Elena, and I suddenly become nosey.

"No, not since the fight. He's been pushing me away because he thinks that Katherine might get jealous enough to hurt me. I just don't know how to change his mind." Elena tells her sadly.

"Well Katherine is dangerous. Maybe he's got a point." I tell her, and she just nods her head. BTW, me and Elena made up last night before we went to bed so we're totally cool now.

"Yeah, I know that she's dangerous and I know that he's just trying to protect me but it feels like giving up and I just..." Elena trails off and I stare at her waiting for her to finish.

"Just what?" Caroline asks her impatiently.

"I just thought that we were stronger than that." Elena finishes, and me and Caroline rub her arms for comfort.

After we finish talking we go back to painting, I glance over to Elena and she's staring at someone. I follow her gaze and her and Stefan are making googly-eyes.

"Oh, oh. Longing looks are being exchanged." I say, nudging Elena's arm.

"I'm gonna go talk to him." Elena tells her, now I regret saying that.

"No, Elena. I think it's a bad idea" Caroline tries to say to her, but she still leaves. But as Elena leaves, I see Damon approach us.

"What's her problem?" He asks us, but I just ignore him and carry on painting.

"Don't worry about it." Caroline tells him.

"Why are you being such a bitch to your mom?" Damon asks her, I would also like to know why.

"Don't worry about it." She says, giving him the same answer as before. After that they both suddenly go silent as they stare at Elena and Stefan.

"Are you two ease dropping, rude." I tell them, but I also want to know what they're talking about "What are they talking about?" I ask them, but they both ignore me "Fine, I'm just going to go and talk to Mason about werewolf stuff. Bite you later." I tell them and walk away.

I look around trying to find Mason as I've still got lots of unanswered questions for him. I spot him over by the lemonade stand so I make my way over.

"Hi Mason." I greet him as he turns around to face me.

"Hi Bella." He greets back, then turns to the woman behind the stand and she hands us a cup of lemonade each "Thank you." He says to her.

"Yeah, thanks." I say to her with a kind smile.

"You're welcome." She says to us, and I see Damon over Masons shoulder walking over to us.

"Well, Mason. Working hard?" Damon asks Mason, and he turns around to face him.

"Doing my part." Mason tells him with a straight face.

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