Bad Moon Rising (Edited)

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(The Gilbert Residence)

Bella's POV.

As soon as I got home, I ran straight into my room and locked my door and windows so no one could come in, I didn't want to talk to anyone, but I eventually fell asleep. I woke up this morning to Elena banging on my door so she could talk to me, but I just ignored her and she eventually left.

I was thinking about what I could do today to avoid Elena until Mason picks me up, and Tyler had texted me saying that he was throwing this party thing at the old Lockwood Residence and there was a lake, so I thought what the heck.

I decided to put on my white bikini with denim shorts and some matching laced flip-flops, as I let my hair flow down and put on some waterproof make-up. I didn't care about wearing a top as it wouldn't take me long to drive there. I then here someone knocking on my door again.

"Bella, it's Elena. Me, Damon and Alaric are heading to Isobel's old office to find out what Mason and Tyler might be, you can come too as we're going to try and find out what you might be." Elena tells me slowly, but it's too late, Mason already knows what I am and I know what he is, and he's going to help me through it. I walk over to my door and open it.

"Can't, I'm going to Tyler's lake party." I say to her as I walk past her and Stefan, and go down stairs "Oh, and don't wait up for me, I'm hanging out with Mason tonight so I'm not going to be back until tomorrow." I tell them, grabbing my bag.

"Fine, but if we find anything, we'll text you." Elena tells me as I walk out of the front door and I see Damon's car with him and Alaric in it, and Damon's just staring at me, creepy much. I start to ignore them and head for my car, but before I can pull the handle Damon appears in front of me.

"Do you mind?" I ask him as I try to walk around him, but he blocks my way.

"No, I don't." He tells me with a smirk, but I just glare at him.

"Damon, she's not coming with us, let's just go." I hear Elena shout, but he doesn't loose eye contact with me.

"You heard her Damon, I'm not going, so move." I tell him with a fake smile, and he moves out of my way slowly "Thanks, I'll see you tomorrow Elena." I shout after her, and climb into the car and head for the party.

(The old Lockwood Residence)

As soon as I get there, I quickly park my car and head straight for the water. Ever since I was little I always loved swimming, but Elena didn't, I'm pretty sure I had to save her life a couple of times. After about half an hour of swimming with a couple of the jock's and some other girls, I see Matt and Tyler so I climb out of the water and head over to them.

"Is it me or did Aimee Bradley's ass get hot?" I hear Tyler say, so I punch him on the shoulder but he just stares at me like it didn't hurt.

"All class." Matt tells him, and he laughs at me when I punched Tyler.

"Where is Forbes?" Tyler asks us, and I just shrug my shoulders. I haven't see her since she killed Carter at the carnival, but I cant tell them that,

"I wish I knew." Matt tells him sadly.

"You guys are on the outs already?" Tyler asks him, and I just glare at him. He can be so mean sometimes, but that's just his immature-jerk side talking.

"No. We're fine. I'm fine. I'm just not sure what she is." Matt tells him. Well I definitely know what she is "What's your uncle doing here?" He asks Tyler, I turn around and see Mason pull up in a black SUV, so me and Tyler walk over to him.

"You busting us or you joining us?" I ask him, but he just smiles at me.

"Neither. Hoping you can make sure everyone is out of here by dark" Mason tells me and Tyler.

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