As I Lay Dying

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(The Martin's Apartment)

Bella's POV.

I gasp awake and I quickly put a hand to my chest as I start to remember the events of last night, Klaus Killed me. I look around the room that I'm in and I'm laying on a bed in someone's apartment, I then hear people shouting and I immediately put my hands over my ears and close my eyes as I squint in pain.

"Concentrate on my voice" I hear someone whisper, and I do as they say and the shouting suddenly stops. I remove my hands from my ears and open my eyes slowly to see Elijah.

"He killed me, Elijah. I'm dead" I say to him as tears start to fill in my eyes "Where am I?" I ask him, as I look up to him.

"We're in the Martin's apartment" He tells me as he sits at the bottom of the bed I am on.

"What? I need to go home" I tell him as I try to stand up, but I end up collapsing and Elijah vamp speeds to my side to help sit back down.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you do that" He tells me sadly, what does he mean he can't let me go home? I need to see my family.

"Elijah, I need to make sure that everyone is okay now that klaus is dead... He is dead, isn't he?" I ask to him, and he keeps giving me a sad look "Elijah, tell me you killed him" I say to him.

"Bella... I couldn't, he has my family" Elijah tells me, and I shake my head at him.

"You gave me your word you were going to help my family" I say to him, and he gives me an apologetic look.

"I haven't seen my family in nearly a century, Bella. And Niklaus knows where they are as he is the one who took them from me" Elijah explains to me.

"Elijah you can't stop me from seein-... Aahhh!!!" I scream in pain as I clutch my stomach "What's happening?!" I shout at him.

"Your in transition" He tells me as he looks at me up and down "We need to take you to Niklaus, he asked me to take you to him when you awake" Elijah tells me as he starts to pick me up bridal style as I still clutch my stomach.

"Elijah... Please" I ask him slowly as the pain gets worse.

"I'm sorry" He tells me as he takes me somewhere.

(Skip to the Woods)

Elijah ends up taking me somewhere in the middle of the woods. He carry's me as he walks for a little bit instead of vamp speeding, and he eventually sits me down against a tree.

"Why does this hurt so much?" I ask him confused.

"I don't know, it seems if you become a hybrid it hurts more as you transition" He tells me as he stares at me, then looks around for Klaus. He then starts to walk over somewhere and throw some clothes at someone.

"You've been busy" Elijah says to them.

"That was amazing. How long has it been?" I hear a familliar British voice say, Klaus.

"Almost a full day. Full moon came and went. You remained a wolf" Elijah tells him, so if I become a hybrid, I can turn whenever I want or not at all. Wait, what am I thinking, I don't want to become a monster like him.

"I can change at will, then. It's good to know. I remember every single kill" Klaus tells him, and can I literally imagine the grin he has on his face right now.

"Yes, I've been cleaning up your little mess along the way" Elijah tells him in an annoyed tone.

"Just like old times, brother" Klaus says him smugly.

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