By the Light Of the Moon

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(The Salvatore Boarding House)

Bella's POV.

"Good morning" I hear someone say and I start to wake up, I open my eyes and see Damon wrapping a blanket around me.

"Morning" I say to him and slowly sit up with my back against the wall.

"We're going to find a way to stop this" He tells me, as he strokes the side of my cheek.

"I know... I know" I say to him as he helps me stand up "Where's Stefan?" I ask him, and his face immediately falls "Damon?" I ask him as I furrow my eyebrows.

"Get dressed, I'll tell you on the way" He tells me, and I nod my okay, but it's only because my whole body is too tired to argue.

(Skip to Fell's Church Tomb)

After I put some clothes Damon explained to me how Stefan was trapped in the tomb with katherine from saving Jeremy, and that is where we heading. He also explained how bonnie had trapped Elena in our house because she tried to run away with the moonstone and find Klaus.

When me and Damon went down to the tomb, Damon started to tell Stefan about how he and Bonnie trapped Elena in our house.

"You trapped her in the house?" Stefan asks/ shouts at Damon.

"It's for the best. Trust me. Elena is on a martyr tear that rivals your greatest hits. You should be glad the witch and I are even getting along. We brought you this" Damon tells him as he motions to the bag I'm holding.

"Care package: candles, lanterns and...lunch" I tell him as I show him a bottle of blood.

"Give that to me and I'm just gonna have to share it with her" Stefan says to us, not even bothering to look at katherine. Me and Damon look over his shoulder and we can see katherine who is standing not too far away.

"Yeah..." Damon trails off as he still looks at katherine.

"All of you are surprisingly calm, considering Klaus will hunt you down and kill you if you mess with his little plan" Katherine tells us smugly.

"I've been dead before. I got over it" Damon tells her, and we both turn our attention back to Stefan.

"Once we deal with this moonstone, we'll figure a way to get you out" I tell him with a small smile.

"Don't worry about me" Stefan tells me, then he turns to Damon "Just make sure you keep her and Elena safe" He tells him. Me and Damon then leave with the bottle of blood and head to my house to see how Elena's coping.

(Skip to the Gilbert Residence)

When me and Damon arrived at my house, we both walked straight in to find Elena and Jeremy in the living room.

"You should really lock your door. Oh, come on, pouty. At least give me two points for ingenuity" Damon tells Elena, but she just ignores his comment.

"Do you think this is funny?" She asks him with anger in her voice.

"Yes Elena. I find hilarity in the lengths that I have to go to repeatedly save your life" Damon tells her sarcastically.

"What does Stefan say about this?" She asks, he did not take it well.

"We had a good laugh" He tells her with a sarcastic smile.

"And what did he say about Elijah still being alive?" She asks him whilst me and Damon sit on the couch and he puts and arm behind my head, then we just sit in silence until I speak up.

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