Chapter 12

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Authors Note: Just wanna say sorry for the slow updates and thanks to the writer that helped write parts of this chapter when I had writers block 😩❤.

February 27, 2011
Stephen Curry

I looked at my phone reading the text from Jasmine, apparently she's due any day now. I ran my hand down my face; these women are going to be the death of me.

I grabbed my keys off the hook and decided to go to the gym and shoot-around, just to get my mind off things.

Ayesha Alexander
"So when are you getting here?" I asked Marcus, plopping down on my sofa.

"In about two or three days, I still have some stuff to finish up. Why, you miss me?" I could almost picture his smirk as he said that. I chuckled, "Nope." I said, making sure to pop the 'p'.

"Yeah yeah, you won't be saying that when I get there. What've you been doing to keep busy down there?"

I pondered on whether I should tell him about the dinner or not. "Oh yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you about something."

"Oh, ok. What's up?" He said as I heard him moving around.

"I ran into Steph's mom the other day in the grocery store and she invited me to dinner..." I said waiting for his response.

"....Did you go?"

I nodded, then remembered he couldn't see me. "Yes. I didn't wanna turn down her offer and I hadn't seen her in years, it was completely innoc-"

"ESH," He said cutting me off, "it's cool, don't worry about it. I'm not your parole officer, you can go wherever you want." I sighed a huge sigh of relief, thankful that he wasn't upset.

"Was he there?"

"Who?" I asked, playing dumb.

"Come on now. I'm talking about your ex, was he there?"

"Yeah he was there. But like I said, it was completely innocent. We spoke and ate dinner, that's it." I said stretching the truth a little bit.

"That's it?" He asked, like he didn't believe me. The questioning tone in his voice made me think about how I felt when Keon would cheat on me with different women and lie to my face.

I sighed, running my hand down my face. "Okay, we kissed. But he kissed me first and I pulled away. It didn't mean anything, honest."

"Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself, not me." He said sounding a little annoyed. "Look I love you but if you want to be with him I'm not stopping you. I just don't appreciate being swept to the side when you're with him aight? So it's your choice."

"I'm not trying to sweep you to the side, you know how I feel about you. But you're right, I'm not sure exactly what I feel and who I feel it for so we probably should take a break." I said, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Like a breakup break or a figure out what you want but we still rocking break?" He asked. I chuckled at his slang. "The second one."

I heard a knock at my door so I tried to hurry up and wrap up the conversation. "Someone's at the door so I gotta go, but this isn't a breakup so I don't wanna see you parading around any other women." I said smirking.

"Yeah whatever, but I'll let you go. Love you bighead."

"Love you too." I said hanging up and going to the door, whoever it was was about to beat my door down.

I opened it and Steph stood there in basketball shorts, nikes, and no t-shirt. I figured he had just got done with training considering the season was about to start.

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