Alana :
What to wear, What to wear? Sexy or casual? Long or short? .. I thought as I rubbed on my hips.
"Is this the same Alana that just the other day would chop Malcom's sack off.. Sitting here trying to get sexy for him. He put it down didn't he?"
I shot Natalie a 'Bitch don't play with me.' look.
"I mean, you only have a few hours and the only thing you have done is.. Well-- Nothing."
I nodded in agreement and decided to go with a pin black crop top with a pink mid calf length skirt. I added my aztec warrior bracelet with the matching necklace, and for shoes I had my nude red bottoms.
"Natalie can you do my hair while I do my makeup?"
I hope I'm not getting dolled up for nothing.
Malcom :
I sat in my living room with these clowns that I call friends.
Tracy, Elijah, and ManMan.
Been my right hand men since 1st grade when I decided that I wanted to go toe to toe with Elijah over kissing my crush's hand.
Childish? We were children. At least I was, these niggas? Grew up? Ha .. that was funny.
"Wait.. you got Alana as a date. The one from the office? Body banging Alana? Nice ass and chest Alana? Nah, not just that.. them legs dawg.." Tracy stated licking his dehydrated ass bottom lip.
Look at me .. becoming rude just like Alana mean ass. Alana...
"Watch your mouth." I calmly stated. Even at the office I didn't let these niggas say nothing slick 'bout her. Thats mine, and picturing my niggas with her would only piss me off.
"Chill. We know you got dibs and all, but shit why can't she love the crew?"
I snatched Tracy off the couch and in a swift motion he was across the room. No one moved though. They knew me.. Even the slightest amount of movement would throw me off and would 'cause me to flip out on everybody.
"Let cho' ass out nigga. Mater fact, by the time I get out of my shower in my house, I wa- Fuck that-- Everybody get the fuck out!" I yelled as my voice bounced off of the open space.
Elijah and ManMan mumbled something about my temper and about Tracy always starting shit. I dont give a fuck though. I need to get dressed anyway.
30 minutes later...
I stepped out the shower and wrapped my gold towel around waist before heading into the attached walk in closet.
I racked through the hangers and folded up clothes until I found my favorite pair of dark Levi jeans and matched it with a white polo button up shirt, and to top it off I added my polo boots.
Casual. I like it.
"Instagram picture one time for the one time?"
"No thank you. Plus, my date said he'd be here in a few moments."
"Your date? What have you did with my bestfriend? You have not complained once today about having to go on this date. Someone has a crush." She stated while eating my frozen grapes.
She's right. Why in the hell am I being nice to him anyway?
"Chill. If I don't enjoy myself tonight he promised he would never bother me again."
"And you think it would be that simple? Something is not right..."
"What do you mean?" I asked siting in the stool behind the breakfast bar.
"I'm just saying.. The guy has a good head on his shoulders. Yeah he may or may not be a manwhore, but he's a smart one. He knows how bad you can't stand him, so why would he make a deal as simple as that when you could easily act like you didn't enjoy yourself? Come on now Alana. I didn't think you were that ignorant. Theres a loop hole somewhere."
I sat there trying to put two and two together, but I kept coming out as four. He can't think of something as clever as tricking me. Thats my job.. How dare he? But, then again Natalie always over thinks things so, I dont know how that would work.
A knock at the door unwraveled me from my thoughts as I made my way to the door to be greeted by Malcom and flowers. Classic red roses. Some say they're too romantic-- Me? I mean what the heck? Yolo.
"Those are for me?"
"Of course beautiful. C-c-can I come in?" He nervously asked rubbing the back of his neck with his hand and looking down at the ground like a lost puppy, which made me smile.
"Sure. I'll go put these in some water. You can go in the front room, Natalie might be in there."
With a head nod he followed my directions while I grabbed a empty vase and got just enough water inside and placed the bouquet of roses in re-aranging them to just the perfect spot.
I walked into the front room and sure 'nough Natalie was questoning Malcom like she didn't know him. They've met numerous times due to the parties at the office where its plus one, or when we went out clubbing.
"What did you do to Alana? She was excited to even go with you. And what is up with the bogus deal that you made with her. Even I knew that it was straight bullshit. Why aren't you talking? Is guilt eating up your insides?"
Amused but yet embaressed I stepped into the room and instantly both eyes turned to me.
"You ready Malcom? Natalie if you leave, be sure to lock up. We'll be back after dinner time."
She nodded and Malcom reached for my hand, even though I would rather turn gay and marry the devil's spawn herself, I took his hand and waved over my shoulder to Natalie.
Here goes nothing.

ChickLitAlana is twenty-six year old virgin. I know shocking, but it's true. Alana grew up in Indianapolis, but trying to escape her troubled family she goes off to Georgia State, to then come back to Indiana to pursue her dreams as a law practitioner, but...