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Malcom entered the living room again, and I rose to my feet and began pacing the room. The hell is she talking about brother? Not to mention the fact he's old enough to have a baby. I know for a fact mama didn't hide a pregnancy from me, she came home every night-- well, almost every night-- but, that's not the point; I would've noticed her weight gain.


I turned to see my mother standing near the entrance way of the living room standing next to my father, and a guy around my age--give or take a few years-- holding a baby, maybe six months at the most.

"What's wrong Mercede?" My father asked me once they had entered the room.

Ignoring my father, I glared at my mother before switching my attention to the guy with the baby.

"Who are you?" I bluntly asked the guy.

"Anthony-- Anthony Taylor, and th-"

"Why are you here?" I asked cutting him off.

"Alana h-"

"Was I talking to you ma? Keep your lips closed," I said with a eye roll. "If only you could do the same with your legs." I mumbled before flipping my hair over my shoulder waiting for a response from this so called brother of mines.

No one spoke.

"I know my question ain't fall on death ears, so I ex-" Before I could finish to imply a threat, a woman--once again-- around my age rushed in and towards Anthony.

"I'm so sorry I'm late Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, but I had to go get the baby some di-"

"And who the hell are you?" I asked cutting her off. I've been been disrespected tonight, and lord knows it's only a matter of minutes before I lose it.

"Mercede, watch your tone in this house. Just because your grown don't mean I can't beat your ass."

I rolled my eyes and switched my weight to my right leg, hand on my hip, and still waiting for my questions to be answered.

Once again, no one spoke.

"Okay, we're gonna' play a little game called, 'If I don't get answers I'm leaving this house and won't speak to anyone in it for the rest of their lives'. Don't everyone speak at once."

Once again no one spoke.

Okay bitch, I can be rude too.

"Malcom, let's go."

"Are you s-"

"Mercede sit."


"Sit or I will throw ya' ass down, either way you ain't leaving up out of this house until we have dinner."

I sat in the lazy boy chair next to me, and turned to Aaliyah.

I can't lie, my sister is beautiful. Brown eyes, long hair, and the perfect pout lips to match, boys gon' flock to her. Too bad she has to deal with these unstable creatures for eight more years.

"Well now that everyone is calm, is everybody ready to eat?"

Everybody stood, except me.

Malcom came and grabbed my hand pulling me up and led us to the dinning room right behind everyone else.

Malcom pulled my seat out for me, and scooted it back in once I sat down, and then sat down next to me separating me from Aaliyah.

At the head of the table sat my father, and next to him Anthony, then the baby was holding, and rude b*tch, which at the end of the table ended with my mother.

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