Clarisse Tries to Kill Me... Again... And Again [Part 1]

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  • Dedicated to Katie, a real life Clarisse

so this chapter is two parted because it took me a while to write it. 

Annabeth jumped out of her seat, turned around and screamed when she saw me, “Oh, my, Cristi. You startled me. That bell means that it’s time for dinner, let’s not be late,” she said. she grabbed my arm and walked mo to the dining pavilion. She sat at a table marked with a six, and I sat down next to her. Turned out that when I thought of a food or drink, it would appear on my plate or in my goblet. Before everyone ate, I saw them scrape a portion of their food into a sacrificial fire. I figured it was an offering to their godly parent. I thought up some pasta and milk, all blue. I walked up to the fire, scraped half my pasta in, and said a prayer to the gods, Mom, whoever you are, what is all the fuss about my charms for?

I walked back to the table and Annabeth stared at my food and then at me, “Did Percy put you up to that?” she asked.

“What?” I asked.

“Percy eats blue food, why do you?”

“I always thought that anything was possible, including blue food, so when something amazing happened, I would eat it to celebrate,” We went on eating and chatting. Annabeth kept telling me about Mount Olympus. The more she talked, the more I wanted to go but that would probably never happen.

Awhile later, Chiron trotted over to the center of the pavillion. “Attention! It is time for capture-the-flag.” He announced the teams, Percy and a bunch of other cabins were on the blue team, Annabeth’s cabin, Clarisse’s cabin, and I were were on the red team.

Chiron dismissed us and I followed Annabeth and Percy to the armory. I could just barely hear Annabeth say, “You’re going down, Seaweed Brain,” and Percy replied, “In your dreams, Wise Girl.” In my opinion, Percy had to get better at insulting cutie-names.

Annabeth started explaining everything to me, “Right now, Apollo and Athena have the flag. We may be working as a team with other cabins, but we strive for our cabin to be the ones to get Apollo’s flag, then we’ll still be number one.”

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