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A/N: To the side is a picture that I asociated with Josh. I am super sorry I haven't updated yet. I've been having a rough time lately. But, it's gone now, so more chapters coming soon!!!

Luke and Zoë decided that they didn’t want to come into the bubbles. Wimps.

“I’m bored,” whined Alysa.

“Too bad,” I mimicked.

“What do you wanna do?”

“Blame Annabeth for making me come.”

“I can hear you, you know!” came Annabeth’s voice.

“I suggest you pay attention to the big god rising out of the ocean!” screamed Percy.

“What-OH!” Alysa and I said in unison. Right in front of us, rising out of the water, was a 20-foot god of the seas, Poseidon.

“Bow down before me. You shall die today,” Poseidon bellowed.

“Dad?” Percy and Alysa said.

“Stop jibber jabbering. I have an order to carry out,” Poseidon said again.

“And what order would that be, lord Poseidon?” Annabeth asked.

“To kill ye all! You are the only thing between the gods and our doom!”

“Ok, that dude who is supposedly my dad isn’t making any sense,” Alysa whispered to me.

“I advise you don’t talk. He can hear you!” Percy screamed back. “And so can I!”

“Alysa, I need you to let Cristi out of the bubble,” Annabeth directed.

“Are you insane?!” I screamed back. Meanwhile, Poseidon was making waves that were definitely too big to surf on.

“Cristi, you need to swim to me. Trust me. Athena’s always got a plan,” Annabeth said. I had to agree with her, a daughter of Athena always has a plan. My plan consisted on tricking the god of the seas into not killing us, but I trusted Annabeth’s brain more than mine. I took a deep breath and nodded to Alysa.

I was let into the water. I was in it, but I wasn’t wet. I didn’t feel the need to surface and breath, either. I started swimming to Annabeth and Percy’s bubble. Surprisingly, I wasn’t tossed around like a beachball in the water because of the waves.

“You’re doing great, Cristi. Percy, move closer,” Annabeth assisted. The bubble drew in closer to me. Faster and faster it came. Faster and faster I swam. It came to the point at which I was engulfed by the Percy-bubble.

“Ok, how did you do that? I thought you were hydrophobic,” Percy asked me.

“For your information, I’m not hydrophobic, I just have a mild fear of drowning.” Sassing Percy is fun. “And I thought you were pulling me. Are you saying that you have no idea how that happened?”

Percy completely ignored my question, but Annabeth answered instead, “The owl necklace. It protects you. When you went out into unstable waters, it stabilized you and let you breath. You did the swimming part on your own.” And this is one reason I hate Annabeth, she takes chances. I could have died! “Percy, what are you looking at?”

I turned to look in the direction he was staring. Alysa was somehow beating the lord of the seas in his own territory.

“We need Silena. And fast,” I said.

“I got it. SILENA!” Percy screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Wha- Leo, what was that?” we heard Silena ask.

“Oh, right. Percy needs to speak with you. Let me just,” Leo fiddled around with something that made a lot of noise, “and there you go. Video footage.” Suddenly, her face appeared in a fuzzy image in front of me.

“Silena, can you charmspeak?” I asked.

“Yeah… Not much, but I can,” she answered.

“Good, ‘cause we’re going to need all we can get.”

“Why? What happened?!”

“Let’s just say that one of our immortal dads is possessed by the ‘thing’ and you need to get it out.”

“The ‘thing’ is here?!”

“Yup, use the escape hatch on the bottom of the boiler room to enter our bubble. Trust me,” Percy instructed.

We floated right under the room and Silena popped in and Annabeth went back out with final words, “I trust you, Cristi, defeat this.” I apprehensively nodded.

We floated away and towards the possessed Poseidon. Alysa was using all her strength to stall him. I didn’t even get the jist of it enough to explain.

I turned to Silena, “Ok, you need to put all your power into your words and charmspeak whatever is in him into coming out.” She nodded.

“You don’t want to kill us, we’re perfectly good people who will not get in your way. You will leave us alone,” she repeated this over and over again. The minutes after were all a blur. I never saw the spirit thingy, I just saw Poseidon regain his consciousness and go back to his palace. By the time that was done, Leo had built a self-sustaining motor that would get us home fast enough, so we all got to go back inside. Five words. I. Am. Sick. Of. Water.

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