Creepy Freaking Teleporter

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I am so sorry that this chapter took longer, I had a mild case of writer's block.

We were almost down Half-Blood Hill when Argus, the god of boundaries, stopped us. “Stop, stop. There’s a shortcut,” he called. Alysa, Josh, and I trudged all the way back up the hill. Argus lead us back into the Big House and into a room that I had never heard of before. It was pretty small and completely empty apart from an orange swirling something on one wall.

“What the heck is that thing?” Alysa asked.

“I think that’s the portal,” Josh whispered to us.

“The one to Camp Jupiter?” I asked.

“You are correct. Jason and Piper are supposed to be here in about ten minutes, so you can just wait here, they’ll send you in,” Argus explained.

“Why are we going to Camp Jupiter?” I asked just as Chiron came in. Argus left.

“Your quest prophecy says that you must go to the land of your birth. You were born on Mount Tam. The same mountain that Zoë was born on two and a half thousand years ago,” Chiron explained.

“So do we just, jump in, or what?” Alysa asked.

“I’m sure Jason will show us, right? He’s my flying teacher,” Josh commented.

“You fly?” Alysa and I said together.

“Well, I have flying shoes,” Josh said.

We talked about nothing and luckily, the time flew by. Ten minutes later, the portal changed colors from orange to purple and back again as two people came out. The guy had blonde hair and eyes like Thalia, deep blue with black lightning bolts. The girl had black hair and light blue eyes, she just seemed to radiate beauty for some reason.

“Wow, hi. Who are you and what are you doing here?” The boy asked.

“We’re Cristi, Josh, and Alysa,” I pointed to the three of us as I said our names, “and we’re going to Camp Jupiter as a shortcut for a quest.”

“Hi, I’m Piper, daughter of Aphrodite, and this is Jason, son of Jupiter,” Piper said. “Who are your parents?”

“Athena, Hermes, and Poseidon,” I said.

“Oh, great. Another Poseidon kid?” Jason complained.

“Ya, got a problem with that?” Alysa smirked.

“Na, it’s just that Percy and I don’t get along very well,” Jason said.

Alysa started clutching her fists. “Alysa, no!” I screamed. “Don’t you dare drown any of us!” She let go of her hold and calmed down.

“Do you know how to go in?” Piper asked. The three of us shook our heads. “Jason, show them how,” she put some charmspeak into her voice to make him obey.

“Fine. Lookie here. You walk up to the portal and press this button,” he pointed to a purple button next to the portal. “When it’s fully purple, you just step through. Be careful though, Romans can be very strict.” He and Piper walked out of the room.

I went to press the button. The portal changed colors again and we stepped through it. We were in a giant tube of purple and orange swirls. “We just keep walking until we see another portal,” Josh informed. I was surprised that he actually knew something I didn’t. We kept walking. About thirty seconds later, we saw a purple swirling thing that looked like the portal we had walked through. We walked into the swirl. On the other side, we walked into an almost empty cabin. It had many bunks and one tall man in a toga.

The man turned around. His facial features are so mixed, it’s hard to describe. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He looked partially Chinese, but it was hard to tell. “Hi, I’m Frank, son of Mars and preator of New Rome. You must be from Camp Half-Blood,” he said.

“Ya, we’re Cristi, daughter of Athena, Josh, son of Hermes, and Alysa, daughter of Poseidon. We’ve come here as a shortcut to Mount Tam.,” I said.

“Interesting. Let’s go show you to Reyna, my fellow preator. After that, we can go to breakfast.” We followed Frank out of the cabin and down a street called Via Principalis and into an area labeled Principa. I was beginning to wonder if everything here was in Latin because I couldn’t understand anything. We were lead into a small room that looked like an office. A girl with black hair, brown eyes, and a purple toga stood up and greeted us, “Hello, I’m Reyna, daughter of Bellona, goddess of war. Who are you?” Reyna asked.

“They are Cristi, Josh, and Alysa. They’re Graeci,” Frank explained for us. By the sound of it, Graeci must mean something about Greeks.

“Well then, before they leave, they should join us for a Roman breakfast,” Reyna suggested. We accepted the offer. A bell rang and she and Frank lead us to the mess hall.

I am thinking about doing a couple chapters on how Leo's doing on his search for Calypso. One of those would include my version of how the seven destroyed the world. Literally, because Gaea is the world. Tell me what you think in the comments below.

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