The Son of a Theif

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  • Dedicated to The inspiration for Josh

I was going to the Athena cabin when I saw someone come out of cabin 11, Hermes. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, he kind of reminded me of Luke, which was strange because I had never seen Luke. “Hey, you’re the new girl, right?” he asked. I nodded and drew my brown hair behind my ear. “I’m Josh, son of Hermes. Kind of stinks to have a prophecy obsessing over you, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, most prophecies end with death threats, but they usually are right only 75 percent of the time.” Josh was smiling at me with a large grin. I couldn’t help but think if he was one of the ones in the prophecy, the ones who are near that I will die because of.

“Thalia and the Hunters are coming tomorrow morning, something about hitching a ride with Apollo,” I said, trying to be casual.

“I’ve never met Thalia. Apollo, though, he’s annoying. The Hunters must be riding his sun-lamborghini through the night ‘cause he only travels west, driving the sun and all,” Josh said, still smiling at me.

“Oh, yeah, he’s using a lamborghini these days,” I answered.

“Why don’t you come into my cabin to talk? There’s air conditioning,” he offered. I walked inside the Hermes cabin. It was just the opposite from mine, messy, crowded, filled with junk, smelling like donuts. All the beds were filled, there was one table in the middle of the room, piled with nick-nacks. “Hey, your owl is diming,” Josh observed.

“Yay, that means this wretched, so-called blessing is wearing off,” I said.

“What blessing?”

“As long as the owl is still over my head, I have super-smarts,” I explained. “I really should be getting to bed.” I walked outside.

Josh followed me out, “Hey, your owl is getting brighter.”

“Curse this blessing. I think the cluelessness that reflects off of the Hermes cabin is counteracting my claiming curse,” I said. I went back inside and we chatted for what felt like an hour. Annabeth had been looking all over for me and found me in her least favorite cabin. I didn’t need super-smarts to figure that one out.

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