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"You know, Logan," Brandon starts, his sneer growing, "I always knew you were desperate, but this is a new low even for you."

"Need I remind you that you're the one holding a pair of my underwear in front of our classmates?" I chance a glance at Sam. His face is impassive, not watching Brandon or me with any particular interest. He looks almost bored.

"You could do that. But then I'd get to remind you that I have them because you left them in this studio after hooking up with Travis here just last night."

"It's a barn," I mutter. Jill elbows me in the ribs and I give her a look. "Whose side are you on?" I snap. Then, turning to Brandon, "Who the hell is Travis?" I don't know anyone named Travis at this school.

The third form steps out from halfway behind Brandon. "You don't remember me?" He asks.

"Sorry, kid, but no."

Brandon barks a laugh. "You expect us to believe that you've been texting half his class lascivious things all week—"

"Nice SAT word," Jill interjects.

Brandon continues at a louder volume, drawing more attention to the group already gathered. Still, no faculty moves in our direction. "—Telling them you're leaving a gift for someone to find on campus, and that you'd give up the goods to whoever found it, and then, when Travis did find it and you let him screw you, you promptly forgot entirely who he was?"

"Brandon, I'd back the fuck off if I were you," I snarl, getting in his face. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I do know it's both a lie and sick."

"I have the texts," Travis speaks up behind Brandon.

"So do I," calls another blonde kid from the group.

"Bullshit," Jill says. I look at her gratefully.

"Should I read them?" Travis is looking at Brandon for direction.

"Don't bother," I instruct. "Anyone at this school with half a brain already knows that this is a crock of shit. Step down, Brandon."

"Why would they think it's a crock of shit?" Brandon goads. "We all know about you, Logan. You gamed your way into rooming with Sam in MacMillan, you've been all over him for weeks, and when you were going to get kicked out for it, you 'convinced' Carr to let you stay. It's pretty obvious you did that through your eloquent skills of oral persuasion." He makes a fist and holds it to the right side of his mouth, pushing his tongue against the opposite cheek. The international sign for a blowjob.

I'm fighting to keep my temper in check. The crowd muttering and agreeing with Brandon is setting me on edge.

"That's how you heard it went down, huh?" I ask, my voice just on the wrong side of even.

Brandon grins at my reaction. "That's how I know it went down. And the rest of Ryder does too."

"Why don't you let Sam tell us his side of the story?" I focus my glare on my roommate. He doesn't flinch, but he doesn't meet my eyes as the corners of his lips lift.

"I plead the fifth," he says, grinning wolfishly at the crowd and holding his hands up in a "wasn't me" motion.

My emotions take hold of me and I move toward Brandon, wanting to get in his face. Jill puts a hand on mine and Spencer wraps an arm over my shoulder, holding me back. I don't miss the way Sam's eyes flick from Spencer's arm to my face and then away. The cluster of students around us is whispering, looking between Brandon and me.

Boarding with the Bad Boy [COMPLETE + BONUS published edition]Where stories live. Discover now