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"Sam," I whisper as his lips leave mine and trail over my jaw, toward my ear.

            I don't mean to say his name out loud, but it's out of my mouth before I can pull it back. He lets out a low sound of approval, bringing his hands to my legs and lifting me under the ass, settling me on the bed. He slides his hands under my loose t-shirt and runs them over my ribcage to my chest. I watch him as he pulls the fabric up and over my head.

"I want to see you," he says. His voice doesn't sound like his. I lift my arms and he shifts the shirt off, exposing me to him. His eyes rake over me, scorching my skin with their intensity.

            "Fuck, Grey," he groans as he lifts a hand to my breast, teasing over my nipple with his thumb. I'm too gone to speak, so I respond to his curse with my body, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer, grinding myself against him.

            He growls, throwing his head back. I bring my hands back to his hair, tugging and grappling.

            "Sam," I breathe.

            "Don't say my name like that," he warns, his voice tight. "I'm not going to be able to stop myself."

            "So don't stop," I whisper, drawing his lips to mine and kissing him hard. In a quick movement he sheds his shirt, pulling his lips from my skin for a heartbeat as he rips it over his head. Before I can miss his warmth, he's back again, his bare chest touching mine. I run my hands over the contours of his strong body, my fingers smoothing over the hard muscles of his abs and pecs. Sam watches me as I do, his breathing ragged. I meet his eyes and bite my lip, sliding my hands lower until I've reached the waistband of his sweats, which I tease with my fingers.

            Sam swears again, the "fuck" coming out hoarse, as he gently directs my body backward and sideways, so that I lie on my back on the bed. Sam's body follows mine; he climbs onto the bed and hovers over me.

            "Jesus, you're fucking beautiful," he mutters. "I've been waiting for this for too long." My core tightens at that. I lift my hips as he pulls my shorts down, over my knees and ankles.

            He leans back for a moment, soaking me in with his eyes. I arch my back to him, reminding him that I need his hands on me. He responds with a growl, bringing his hands to my thighs and running them up my torso to my chest. He watches his hands massaging my breasts as if amazed. When he runs his fingers over my nipples, I whine, digging my hips toward his.

            "Okay, Grey," he says, moving a hand down to my cotton underwear, pressing his palm against me and drawing another whimper from the back of my throat. He shifts to kiss me again, his mouth hot against mine when he slips a hand under my panties, a finger stroking me deftly.

            "You're soaking for me, Grey," he whispers, resting his forehead against mine. I can hear triumph in his voice, and joy. He watches my face as he shifts again, this time sinking a long finger into me. I buck, lifting my hips to get comfortable with the sensation.

            "You good?" He asks as I adjust. I nod, and his lips and teeth return to my neck and collarbone, his finger sliding in and out of me. My hips move in concert against him. Even I can tell I'm wet and ready for him.

            "Oh God, Sam," I moan, digging my nails into his back as he runs a finger along the inside of me, pulling a shiver from my core.

            "You're so wet for me, baby," Sam growls. I shiver at both the words and tone of what he's saying. It's official: I love this version of him. I love the way he curses my name like it's a beautiful thing, the way his eyes and hands say he's lost control.  A hell of a lot better than the Sam that stood with crossed arms and a hard sneer with Brandon at the Welcome Party

Boarding with the Bad Boy [COMPLETE + BONUS published edition]Where stories live. Discover now