Welcome Party

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The Welcome Party takes place at a barn the school recently built. It's beautiful on the inside, the type of place you see in movie weddings, and it's been set up for yoga classes and other "school social" activities. Like the Welcome Party. I love the barn—I'd sleep here if I could—but I hate that the school calls it the Studio.

"It's a barn," I insist when Jill asks if I'm ready to go. She's done my hair and makeup to perfection. Even I think I look good.

"It's a yoga studio," She fires back. She's tired of this argument.

"Inside a barn."

"Oh my God!" She throws her hands up. "Let's just agree that it's the best place on campus and go there!"

She has me with that. I give her a thumbs up and follow her down the stairs and out into the warm evening.

I'm a little surprised by the Welcome Party. I guess I expected more "ice cream social" than "dirty dancing," but the lights are low, the dance floor is crowded, and the faculty chaperones seem to be more or less doing their own thing. I nudge Jill, gesturing at the kids gyrating against each other on the dance floor.

"Is it always like this?" I ask. I've been to my fair share of school dances and parties, but it's pretty impressive to think that stodgy Ryder Academy operates with such abandon.

"Always," Jill tells me cheerily, gazing at the crowd. "Shall we?"

I square my shoulders and follow her into the pack of dancing students. I recognize very few of them, but try to put names to the faces I do know. A new song starts and Jill squeals, "I love this!" before throwing her head back and dancing with abandon. A boy I definitely don't know—and I'm pretty sure it's not Justin—comes up behind her and takes hold of her hips. Jill lets him, moving with him to the beat of the music. Within moments her hand is slung over the back of his neck with her throat exposed. He brings his lips to it hungrily. I watch, a little fascinated, before snapping out of it and deciding I might be best off the dance floor for the moment.

I edge to the side, watching my classmates and continuing to play a silent name game. I see Rusty—spoiled brat—leading Beth Armstrong by the hand. They're both giggling and he, at least, looks mildly drunk. His brother, Jared, high fives one of his buddies over the head of the girl he's dancing with. She looks up in a kind of annoyed surprise, and I can't help but to snort a laugh. So I'm not the only one who finds him obnoxious.

"What's so funny?" The voice in my ear is a teasing whisper, the body attached to it very close. I feel all the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"None of your business."

Sam cocks an eyebrow and I watch the half-light of the room catch it. "Oh come on, roomie. Humor me."

I roll my eyes. "Jared Weaver just pissed off the girl he was dancing with and she made a great face. I think you've seen me make it for you before."

Sam widens his eyes and parts his lips, looking exaggeratedly lustful. "Like this?" I huff a laugh. "No. Definitely not like that."

"Hm. Guess I haven't seen it."

We stand beside each other in silence for a moment, Sam's body so close I can feel the warmth of his chest against my shoulder. I have to force myself not to lean into him. As the new song cues up, I feel his eyes on me and I look up. He's staring thoughtfully.

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