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Sam doesn't skip a beat, his voice cold as he answers. "I want you to apologize to Logan for what you've done to her."

Brandon snorts a laugh. "'Apologize to Logan for what you've done to her,'" he mimics, "What—are we in preschool? You want us to kiss and make up?" I snarl at the suggestion, but Brandon's stepping toward Sam, pointing at him. "What about what you've done to her? Have you apologized?"

"I'm next," Sam says, sober. "But I want this done first."

I watch as the two boys stare each other down.

"You're making a huge fucking mistake, Evans," Brandon says evenly.

"And yet I feel better than I have in the eight years we've been friends, Trent," Sam retorts. "Just get it over with."

Amazingly, Brandon turns his bitter gaze to me, his eyes narrowed to slits. "Sorry I fucked with you, Grey."

"Not enough," Sam barks.

Brandon's eyes flash. "It's the best you're gonna get. Take it or leave it." He turns toward the door.

"Tell her why."

"I don't care why," I say, pushing off Carr's desk and squaring off with Brandon. "And I'm not going to just accept some pathetic excuse of an apology given at the ire of your puppet master. We were friends—really good friends—for a lot of years, Brandon. When you turned on me three summers ago, I was confused and hurt, and it really sucked that I lost my best friend at the same time I lost my mom."

"Oh, okay," Brandon snorts.

"Yeah, I lost my mom that summer too. Maybe my dad wasn't suicidal, but it wasn't all roses and sunshine for me either."

"How did you—"

I ignore him, cursing myself for allowing the slip-up as I continue. "Losing you as a friend sucked, but it didn't ruin me. I know you like the power that came with believing it did, so I gave you that, because you were angry and bitter and I felt like maybe I did owe you something after our parents disappeared together. But last Saturday went too far. And I no longer believe that cornering me at Talulah's had anything to do with my mom or your dad." My voice takes on a venom that I've been itching to direct at Brandon, and my back straightens with the conviction in it. "You wanted to ruin me by not being my friend, by bullying me and making people hate me, but that didn't work, so you had to step up your game. You know why it didn't work, Brandon?"

He doesn't respond, but he does look like he might attack me. I find myself wanting him to; I'd love a chance for my fingernails to meet his eyeballs.

"It didn't work because I didn't care about you, not enough for your rejection to matter. And I'd bet anything that you figured that out a long time ago. But realizing it was the same for your best friend, that he chose me..." I let the insinuation fill the room and watch the tic begin in Brandon's jaw. Maybe I utilized the nuances from their argument to my advantage, but I have no doubt now that I'm right.

"I couldn't have given a shit less about you, Brandon, really. But I don't think you can say the same thing about me. You can't pretend you didn't want something bad to happen at Talulah's, that you masterminded it because you care."

"Sure," Brandon spits. "I care. I care to make sure you feel like shit for what you did to my family. I care that you know what it feels like to be out of control." Almost as an afterthought, he hisses, "I want you to hurt like hell."

I laugh a high-pitched, sarcastic bark. "Well mission failed, Trent. But I guess you accomplished something, because I care now too. And I can't wait to make sure you hurt like hell. I'm going to do everything I can to ensure you get what's coming to you for what happened at Talulah's.

Brandon shrugs, his expression blank. "I don't give a fuck."

"Then I guess we're done here." I cross my arms against my chest, trying to stop my shaking as Brandon exits the room. I am going to make sure he pays for what he's done; I decided as much during the drive to Ryder this morning. I'm damn glad I did.

"You okay, Grey?" Sam asks. I snap my gaze to his.

"Fine. Just need a minute."

"Can I ask you to stay here for that minute?"

"Sure," I say. "You can ask, but I have no interest in doing anything at your request." I'm all adrenaline and anger from the conversation with Brandon, and Sam's caught in the crossfire. He seems to know this. He starts to roll his eyes before changing tack, closing them tightly and tilting his head toward the ceiling.

"Please," he says finally.


"Grey." His eyes are dark and serious. "It's the last thing I'll ask of you. I promise."

He crosses to me, stopping only a foot away. I watch him warily, wanting him to back off and close the gap—both feelings so strong I'm sure my heart is going to explode in sheer confusion. My breath comes in shallow bursts, and Sam's eyes shift to my mouth.

"Please, Logan," he whispers, his gaze never leaving my lips.

I nod, just once. "Fine."

Sam takes a final step into the space between us, tucking my hair behind my ears and taking my face in his hands. My breath catches at the shock of his fingers on my skin, and I bite my lower lip.

"I'm going to fix this," he promises, and my eyes close against his cool breath running over my cheeks before he leans down and presses his lips to mine. It feels like a goodbye, and I choke back a whimper of need as he pulls away. He turns without looking back, striding to the door and out into the hall.

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