Ice Cream and Hockey

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I can't go back to Jill's. I'm always accosting her after arguing with Sam and it's starting to get old. I wish I had thought to grab my truck keys, though; it would have been nice to take a drive through town, cranking my music and shout-singing along.

I storm down the hill and off campus, putting my ear buds in as I hit the sidewalk that leads to downtown. Maybe I'll just go get an ice cream cone and feel sorry for myself. My brain rages along to my music and, after ten minutes, I'm feeling considerably better. My mood only improves when I make my way into the ice cream parlor and find an old friend behind the counter.

"Ryan!" I exclaim, pulling out my ear buds and practically running to hug him. I forget to be embarrassed about the text Sam sent him until Ryan picks his head up from the magazine he's reading. I haven't seen him in almost a year, and he never responded to the semi-humiliating message about wanting him back. Besides, he looks even better than I remember, a bit of scruff coming in around his jaw. He's still rocking the shaggy head of hockey hair he was always so proud of.

"Logan! Jeez, I haven't seen you in forever." His eyes don't give away anything about that stupid fake text.

"I know," I say, feeling suddenly a little testy. "It's been forever."

"My fault," Ryan grins. "I got a new phone last year and never sent you the number. I always forget you're not on Facebook."

I try my best to hide my elation. He never saw the text. He has no idea. It's a win I needed this week.

Ryan's eyes grow serious. "I did hear about your dad though, and I should have reached out. That's really shitty."

"Yeah, it is shitty," I agree, grateful that he's not telling me he's sorry or making a huge deal out of it. Ryan's own dad was in a bad accident years back and never fully recovered. It tore his family apart.

"What's going on with you? What are you still doing in town?" I redirect.

Ryan grins, opening his arms to the space around him. "Living the dream."

We catch up as he scoops me a massive cone of chocolate ice cream, flipping it into a cup at my request. He's taking a PG year at the boys' boarding school two towns over, hoping to make Juniors next year. I'm happy to know he's still playing hockey; he always was a killer left wing. He asks what I'm up to and his eyebrows rise when I tell him I'm wrapping up my junior and senior years at Ryder.

Ryan was the first guy I ever really hooked up with. When I was a freshman (and he was a junior), we spent an afternoon hanging out at his place when his parents were out. One thing led to another and eventually he was climbing over me, kissing me and running his hands over my body—first with clothes on, then without. It was one of the best sexual experiences I've ever had, being with someone I knew and trusted so well. While we never dated, we both felt safe exploring with each other and seeing him now brings all those emotions back. I feel a little like my old self again, the girl I was before I became an as-good-as orphan and moved in with Sam.

"Are you seeing anyone these days?" Ryan asks.

"Not exactly," I admit. Ryan gives me a look and I know he wants me to explain, so I do. Twenty minutes later, he lets out a low whistle.

"Damn, girl. Still breaking hearts and taking names, huh?"

"What does that mean?" I bristle.

Ryan chuckles, ducking into one of the freezers to scoop himself a little dish of cookie dough ice cream.

"It means I was in deep for you when we hooked up way back when."

"What?!" My mouth hangs open. "You're kidding." I remember the text messages he sent and I remember it getting awkward, but I always thought that was Ryan trying to be kind. I never expected he had any real feelings.

"Of course I'm not! Why would I have kissed you like that if I wasn't into you?"

I pause, feeling ridiculous. "We were exploring," I mutter finally.

Ryan laughs, but it's not unkind. "Don't worry, Lo. I've made a full recovery. But after I kissed you that day and you went back to treating me like your buddy so quickly, I can't say I wasn't a little surprised. Maybe your pal Sam is going through something similar."

I consider this. Sam's never acted like he wants anything from me. In fact, he almost acts as if his body's betraying him when he kisses me. I suppose I act the same...I feel the same.

"Not trying to put words in his mouth," Ryan continues, smiling as he watches me think it through. "But I've never seen a chick hook up and check out as quickly as you. He's probably confused as to why you're not hanging all over him by now."

I snort. I don't plan to ever be hanging all over anyone, but I think I understand Ryan's point.

"Thanks for the therapy session, Ry," I say, moving to the trash with my bowl licked clean of ice cream.

"Anytime, dude. Listen, we have our first game of the season Friday and I'm throwing a party at my mom's place after. Any interest?"

I think about it. I always loved going to Ryan's games, and I can almost guarantee the promise of hot Yorkshire guys will convince Jill to come with me. "I'm in," I tell him, before realizing I'm supposed to be going on a date with Jared.

"Shit," I curse when I remember. "I'm supposed to be going on a date with some idiot from Ryder that night."

Ryan laughs. "Of course you are. No worries. Text after the date and swing by. Hell, bring the idiot."

"Okay," I agree, fishing my phone from my pocket. "Give me your new number."

He recites his number and I tap in the digits before sending him a text and sliding my phone back in my pocket.

"Really good to see you, Logan," Ryan says as I turn to leave the shop. I'm feeling approximately 400 times better than I did when I entered.

"Back at you." I give him a friendly smile as I open the door and walk right into a cluster of sixth form Ryder girls.

"Whore," one of them mutters, looking me up and down. Another slams her shoulder into mine as she passes into the shop. I'm shaken, embarrassed, and I don't want to turn and see if Ryan witnessed the interaction. I duck my head and pull the hood of my sweatshirt from under the collar of my jacket, tucking my ear buds in and jacking up the volume of my music as I make the walk back to campus. 

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