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"I want to do so much more than kiss you," Sam says thickly. I swallow hard, his words kicking my pulse into its highest gear yet. His mouth closes over mine again, and he shifts his grip, holding both my wrists in one hand and bringing the other back to my chest. I whimper against his mouth, taking his lower lip in my teeth and running my tongue over the ring there. Sam's grip on my wrists tightens and he curses.

Unable to use my hands to communicate my want, I arch my back, pressing my hips against Sam's. He wraps a rough hand around me, his long fingers playing at the top of my jeans.

"God damn, Somers," he mutters against my lips. "I knew I was going to like this too much."

I can't help my smile as I wiggle beneath him, trying to encourage him to unbutton my pants. "You did?"

"Oh yeah." He nods emphatically before growing thoughtful, his hand stilling. "I've wanted to be with you like this since the first moment I saw you," he says quietly.

"Me too."

He scans my face. "Really?"

I nod. "Really. It sucked."

Sam barks a laugh, leaning his forehead to mine and bringing both hands to my face, kissing me hard. "We need to stop now, or I'm not going to be able to," he moans, settling back onto his knees, his legs straddling my thighs.

I know what he's trying to say. I shift back so that I can sit up, resting on my elbows.

"What if I don't want you to?" I ask, catching my lower lip in my teeth. Please, I think, don't go all gentlemanly on me now.

"You don't want me to stop?" Sam glances at the ceiling as if praying for its confirmation.

"No," I murmur, tugging at his hand, placing it over the button of my jeans. "I really don't want you to stop."

Sam's eyes jerk down to our hands, clasped together over the top of my pants, his gaze hooded and hot. "I love you, Logan. I want you to know that."

"Why does it sound like there's a 'but' coming?" I ask, sulking. He's ruining the moment.

His lips tilt into a smile at my pout, and he taps me on the nose with a finger. "I'm giving you one last opportunity to stop this train. Once I get my mouth on yours again, it's not coming off until you're fully naked and screaming my name."

"Is that a promise?" I tease. Sam's face splits into a huge smile as he lets out a roar, launching at me.

He brings his teeth around my lower lip, sucking it into his mouth and eliciting a growl of need. He presses forward, his hands roaming, tucking under my t-shirt and moving hungrily up my stomach and ribs. His lips move from my neck to trail over my jaw, toward my ear.

He snakes his arms behind my back, unhooking my bra and sliding it up my arms. My t-shirt comes with it, and Sam lets out a low sound of approval as my torso is exposed.

"Jesus," he says. "Your body." His voice doesn't sound like his. His eyes rake over me, scorching my skin with their intensity.

"Fuck, Somers," he groans as he brings a hand to my breast, teasing over my nipple with his thumb. I'm too gone to speak, so I respond to his curse with my body, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him closer, grinding myself against him.

He growls, releasing my wrists to grab me by the waist, rolling us so that I'm on top of him. I bring one hand to his hair, tugging and grappling. The other yanks at his shirt. In a quick movement he sheds it, pulling his lips from my skin for a heartbeat as he rips the fabric over his head. Before I can miss his warmth, he's back again, holding me to him, his bare chest touching mine. I run my hands over the contours of his strong body, my fingers smoothing over the hard muscles of his abs and pecs. Sam watches me as I do, his breathing ragged. I meet his eyes and bite my lip, sliding my hands lower until I've reached the waistband of his pants, which I tease with my fingers.

Sam swears again, the "fuck" coming out hoarse, as he gently directs my body backward and sideways, flipping us again so that I lie on my back on the bed. Sam's body follows mine; he hovers over me.

"Jesus, you're fucking beautiful," he mutters. "I've been waiting for this for too long." My core tightens at that. I lift my hips as he finally, finally, unbuttons my jeans, shifting them over my hips and legs.

He leans back for a moment, soaking me in with his eyes. I arch my back to him, reminding him that I need his hands on me. He responds with a growl, bringing his hands to my thighs and running them up my torso to my chest. He watches his hands massaging my breasts as if amazed. When he runs his fingers over my nipples, I whine, digging my hips toward his.

"Okay, Lo," he says, moving a hand down to my cotton underwear, pressing his palm against me and drawing another whimper from the back of my throat. He shifts to kiss me again, his mouth hot against mine when he slips a hand under my panties, a finger stroking me deftly.

"You're soaking for me, Somers," he whispers, resting his forehead against mine. I can hear triumph in his voice, and joy. He watches my face as he shifts again, this time sinking a long finger into me. I buck, lifting my hips and adjusting into the sensation.

"You good?" He asks as I settle into the feel of him. I nod, and his lips and teeth return to my neck and collarbone, his finger sliding in and out slowly. Even I can tell I'm wet and ready for him.

"Oh god, Sam," I moan, digging my nails into his back as he runs his finger along the inside of me, pulling a shiver from my core.

He grins against me before bringing his lips to my chest, his hot mouth moving from one nipple to the other. As he pumps in and out of me more quickly, my hips begin to move in concert with his movements. I tuck my fingers into his hair, drawing his face back to mine. As his lips move over my jaw, I catch sight of his eyes and when I see the scorching desire in his gaze, the pulsing between my legs intensifies to something I can't keep in me for long.

"Sam," I murmur against his lips, wanting everything.

"I know," he says, resting his forehead against mine as he glances down, watching his fingers move in and out of me. I grasp at the sheets of the bed and arch my back, on the cusp of losing all control.

"Give in to me, baby," Sam growls, continuing to pump in and out while his other hand moves to my breasts and his lips steal mine. I whimper as the sensation builds to an unbearable peak, and just as I feel I'm going to come undone, Sam pinches a nipple between his fingers and bites my lower lip. The world dissolves behind my eyelids as the orgasm rockets through me, leaving me panting. When I finally come down from the sensation, I open my eyes to see Sam staring at me like he's never seen me before. His finger still moves slowly in and out of me, and I'm shocked to find that I'm already keen for more.

"Oh my god," I gasp, trying to play it cool. His grin proves he's not having it.

"And to think, that was just one finger," he brags. I bring up a weak hand and give him a teasing smack on the shoulder.

Sam kisses me gently and leans back. "Should we call it a day?"

I can tell he's serious, but I'm in no mood to stop. It feels too good, being with Sam and not having to feel guilty about it. I want him—all of him—and I'm not going to slow down or apologize for that. I say as much, and he laughs.

"Let me bask in this success for a moment before we do anything else. I'm too keyed up right now, and I'm liable to finish before we even get to the good stuff."

I bring my hands to the waist of his pants, tickling the skin just above it, but he closes his hand over mine, grinning madly as he lies back against the pillows.

"Is that you basking in your success?" I poke at one of his dimples, grinning in spite of myself.

"Sure is. Bask with me, Somers." He brings an arm around my shoulders, tucking me against his body.

Which is how I wind up falling asleep, stark naked, beside Sam.

Boarding with the Bad Boy [COMPLETE + BONUS published edition]Where stories live. Discover now