[The Boarders: WEEKEND UPDATE!]

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Galssssss and Guyssssss - I am SO excited to kick off this weekend by presenting...*cue trumpets*...The Boarders'  official cover! 

I worked with a dear friend to create this bad boy (pun intended) and I REALLY want your thoughts! Do you love it? Hate it? Like it, but...? Please tell me! And if you have thoughts but don't know why your opinion should matter, know this:

This community has been the most supportive, beautiful place I could have hoped to put my first novel. I have such a fun time seeing your votes, reading your comments, getting your private messages... (the list goes on.) You are as much a part of this book's life as I am, and I value your opinions so damn much.

So, please, let me know what you think! xxxxc

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Boarding with the Bad Boy [COMPLETE + BONUS published edition]Where stories live. Discover now