[Hello, it's me!]

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Head's up: this is not a chapter/continuation of Boarding with the Bad Boy.  It's just me, Cress, with a couple updates for you. 

First: you all have been THE VERY BEST READERS OF BwtBB EVER. I can't believe how many people continue to read, vote, and comment on this thing! It's been one of my most rewarding experiences to date. THANK YOU.  

Second: please know that I have heard (and seriously appreciate) your call for more Sam and Logan. I know that, for many, "more" should be in the form of a sequel, but I've actually spent the past few months frantically editing and improving BwtBB, and it's on the verge of being published as The Boarders.

There are a lot of changes (and improvements!) from this current version*, and I'd love your thoughts--and help!--in bringing it to life on iBooks and Kindle. If you're down to bear with me for just a LITTLE longer, here's how you can get involved!

1. Follow me on Instagram (cress.writes.books)

(I don't do anything too interesting on there yet, but my first 100 Wattpad followers will receive a free copy of the novel when it's released. Please comment your Instagram handle here so I know to whom to reach out!)

2. Sign up for my newsletter (http://www.cressoconnor.com)

(Another great way to win cool shit! First 100 readers to register will receive a free copy of the book, OR, if you've already hit Insta, some other as-yet-to-be-determined swag/prize. Feel free to comment your preferences :))

3. Take the quiz that will be published in the next few days (here!)

(I don't have any cool stuff to offer for this one, but I do hope it's fun and I always love your insight into Logan, Sam, and co. Besides, your answers may influence the direction of this story going forward, and that's pretty sweet.)

Importantly, as much as I'd SO appreciate your help on getting The Boarders off to a stellar start, I also know you're not necessarily here to help me promote books outside Wattpad. So I thank you for sticking with me on this journey and letting me find the balance between my excitement at first-time publishing (!!!) and actually writing new stuff for you guys to love (!!!). I promise I'm working toward the latter too.

Immediate thoughts? Questions? Hit me.

*To those who hated the ending of BwtBB, you might be singing a new tune upon completing The Boarders... (no spoilers)

Boarding with the Bad Boy [COMPLETE + BONUS published edition]Where stories live. Discover now