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It's five to six when Somers comes crashing through the door to our room. I'd locked it so I had a head's up on her arrival, and as her key turns in the lock, Molly and I press against each other, mouths moving rote.


Molly stops her assault on my lips at Somers' gasp of surprise. We break apart, both of us looking toward the intruder. My heart stops; she's stood in the doorway, a pair of beat-up Converse dangling from her hand. She's clearly flustered, swiping furiously at the flyaway hair that's escaped her ponytail and glancing at everything but us. She looks fucking gorgeous. My dick jumps, as it always does, in reaction to her presence. I distract myself by sliding my hand south to rest on Molly's ass. Somers' eyes follow it.

"Hey, Lo, how's it going?" Molly asks. The teasing in her voice is barely noticeable, but it's there. Somers squares her shoulders and fights to keep her face passive. I should feel guiltier than I do, but her jealousy makes me feel good. Serves her right.

"What's up, Molly?"

"Your roommate invited me to the Salisbury party tonight, but thought we could have a little fun beforehand." Molly giggles, running her hands up my chest and gazing at me like I'm not a petty jerk acting out of jealousy. I smile down at her, sinking my teeth around my lip ring the way Somers likes. It's not right, but it's working. From my periphery, I can see her tightening her jaw and looking at the ceiling. When she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, she almost appears to be praying.

"That's nice," she says finally. Her voice is strained.

"Heard you're going out with Jared tonight. So we'll probably see you after, right?" Molly's playing this perfectly; I can tell it's driving Somers mad.

"I don't think she's invited, Mols." I tangle my fingers in Molly's hair and give her a sultry grin, bringing her mouth to mine for another kiss. Somers can't pretend she's not looking when I chance a glance at her, but her face says it all and "all" is a loud "fuck you."

"You all right there, Somers?" I ask, pulling away from Molly. "You look like someone just killed your cat."

"I don't have a—I—" She pauses, breathes hard. "I'm fine."

"You really don't look that well, Lo," Molly says. Her simpering smile gives nothing away. I can practically see Somers itching to launch at her.

"I thought you were supposed to wear a dress." My eyes rove over her.

She snorts. "Yeah, well, I thought you were supposed to keep your dick in your pants until the Herpes cleared up."

Molly leans back, her mouth forming a surprised 'O'. I think even Somers is amazed at herself for letting that one fly, but she doesn't cower and she doesn't pretend she's sorry.

"Damn. Someone's touchy tonight." I raise an eyebrow, and Somers grits her teeth, glaring me down.

Weaver chooses that moment to knock, and she spins, throwing the door open too hard.

"Hi," she mutters.

Jared doesn't even look at her face, just runs his eyes over her body in a way that makes me want to shove myself in front of her and slam the door in his fucking face.

"I thought you were wearing a dress," he says.

"Yeah, you look nice too," Somers snaps. I grunt a laugh and Molly echoes it with a confused giggle. Jared leans around Logan to us. He doesn't look surprised or pleased. If anything, he looks disappointed.

"Let's go," Somers says firmly, grabbing her bag and shoving past Weaver into the hall.

As soon as they're gone, Molly puts some distance between us. "Herpes, huh?" She lifts an eyebrow.

"Oh that's bullshit. And she'll pay for it."

Molly rolls her eyes. "I believe my work here is done. See you, Sam." She moves to the door, but I reach out, catching her hand.

"Wait, Mols. One more thing."

Molly cocks an eyebrow. "This is stupid. And juvenile. And it's not working. You know all this right?"

I shrug. "It's not not working..."

Molly rolls her eyes, but she waits for whatever it is I'm going to say next. And as her expression slips from disbelieving to angry, I wonder if I really am making things better or infinitely, impossibly, worse.

Boarding with the Bad Boy [COMPLETE + BONUS published edition]Where stories live. Discover now