Chapter 1: The Gifts

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|| By the way, for this story I have decided to try out doing a third person's point of view, because my other story I have written is in first person, between the two main characters. If I end up not liking to write in third person, I will just switch to first person. Just a heads up. ||

"Aigoo, who keeps sending me these secret admirer gifts?"
Leo asked no one in particular.
But since Ravi was with him, he decided to answer Leo's question.
"I don't know Leo, maybe it was a fan or something, or maybe it was a family member."
Ravi answered
"No I don't think it's any family members, considering there writing doesn't look the same as the writing on the note. Also how could it be a fan. They do it even know our address, plus fans can only give us gifts at fan meets or they can send them to the company's main building. Ravi by any chance are you the one sending me these gifts, because I have been thinking about the note and the writing is very similar to yours."
Leo stated.
"How can it be mine, I have been stuck in the studio finishing up the lyrics to the songs of our upcoming album, so I barely have free time."
Ravi snapped.
"Yah, don't have to be all defensive, I was just asking, since like I stated before the writing looks similar to yours."
Leo calmly said.

Ravi looked away all embarrassed for snapping at Leo, when all he was asking him was a simple question. Ravi was quite upset that he couldn't tell Leo or any of the other members for that matter that he has grown feelings towards the latter. He would be too embarrassed and was also scared that if word got out, that he would get kicked out of the group, so Ravi always kept his feelings inside, and expressed them through the songs he wrote for the group.

Just after the incident of Ravi snapping at Leo, they all had to go and practice the dance to their new song Chained Up, the song concept was love slaves and was a very sexual song, it also had sexy choreography to it. Ravi was glad that Leo was put in the middle when they did the body rolls during the chorus. It was one of his favourite parts of the dance. After 8 hours of practice they all headed back to the dorm to head to bed. The room arrangements was between ages, so it meant in the first room N and Leo shared it, the second room Ken and Ravi shared it and in the last room Hongbin and Hyuk shared it.
Everybody could feel that Hongbin and Hyuk had a closer bond with each other than just having the bond of group mates/brothers/friends. The bond between those two almost seemed like lovers, but then again everyone thinks that everyone in the group has a bond like lovers with someone in the group.
Every time Ravi had a nightmare he would always sleep in Leo's bed with Leo, because Leo can calm Ravi down, so when the members see Ravi and Leo sleeping beside each other they are not surprise, they pretty much ignore it. Now this night wasn't any different Ravi had a terrible nightmare that woke him crying, sweating and screaming, which he was pretty surprised Ken did not wake up to him screaming. He quietly got out of bed and headed towards Leo and N's room, once he got there he quietly shut the door and headed towards Leo's bed.
He carefully shocked Leo to wake him up.
"Leo, can I sleep with you?"
Ravi mumbled quietly.
"Did you have a nightmare again?"
Leo asked half asleep.
"Yes hyung."
Ravi answered quietly.
Leo knew it was serious, since Ravi called him hyung, and Ravi never calls Leo hyung, he only calls him Leo or by his real name Taekwoon when he is angry at him.
So Leo moved over on his bed to create space for Ravi. Ravi got onto his bed and under his cover and slept close to Leo.
"Do you want to tell me what your nightmare was about? Maybe it will help you stop getting them."
Leo asked concerned.
"No it's okay Leo."
Ravi stated.
Ravi didn't want to get over his nightmare, because he likes to sleep beside Leo and he knows once he stops getting them he will have no reason to sleep beside Leo.
With Ravi's answer Leo pulls him into and embrace gently playing with Ravi's hair to calm him down. After awhile they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

||A/N I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, there might be slow updates, because I have been getting a lot of assignments in school and I still haven't made a schedule one which story I will update on certain days, but I do know I will most likely be updating on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday, but if I do not have time to update on those days I will update the story the day after. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I'm sorry it was pretty short.||

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