Chapter 3: The Confession

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||A/N you should watch the video at the top, which is 'Beautiful Liar' by VIXX LR, which is Leo and Ravi's subunit in VIXX||

Ravi was internally freaking out. He felt like it was time to tell Leo how he felt, even if he didn't feel the same way.

"If I tell you what is wrong, you have to promise me that things will not be awkward between us after I tell you, okay?"
Ravi asked seriously.

"I promise Ravi. Now please tell me what is wrong."
Leo begged.

"It started back during when we were on MyDol, I started to catch these feelings for someone I wasn't meant to fall in love with. I was going to tell them that I loved them after we finished MyDol, but after the show we got formed into a group, and I was scared that if I told him about it our careers would be ruined. So I kept it to myself and just wrote about it in our songs we perform. But recently I have gotten tired of keeping it in for all these years, and I just kind of exploded when I saw something I wasn't supposed to. What I'm saying is that I fell for you. I Kim Wonshik, is in love with you Jung Taekwoon. I hope you accept my feelings."
Ravi said calmly yet nervously.

To say Leo was shocked was not true at all, he kind of saw this coming. Ravi was beginning to get nervous when Leo wasn't saying anything.

"Uh, it's okay if you don't feel the same way, I only told you because I was tired of keeping it to myself."
Ravi quietly whispered, as tears were beginning to form in his eyes.

"No it's not that Ravi-ah, I truly feel something for you, but I do not know what that something is."
Leo replied just as quiet as Ravi was talking.

"Then I will wait hyung, I already waited for years, I'm sure waiting for a month is nothing until you figure out your feelings."
Ravi stated, beginning to feel a little happy.

Leo was feeling guilty, because he didn't want to make Ravi wait even longer, but he wasn't sure how he exactly felt for Ravi, but he had an idea on how to find out.

"Yah, Ravi I am willing to give you a chance, which will also give me an opportunity to figure out my feelings. What do you say? We can go on a couple of dates, act like a couple and it will help me with my feelings. It's a win-win situation."
Leo suggested.

"Okay hyung, but you promise no one will get hurt right?"
Ravi asked.

"I promise."
Leo stated.

With that said Leo pulled Ravi into a tight embrace. While they were hugging, Leo could feel his shirt getting wet, so he pulled away and saw that Ravi was crying.

"Why are you crying Ravi?"
Leo asked

"I'm just happy hyung, you are willing to give us a chance."
Ravi muttered.

Leo pulled Ravi back into bed and cuddled with him for the rest of the day.

||A/N I just want to say that I will be updating anytime during the day I have to update, so if I update late at night, it's because it is still that day in my city, and it might not be that day in your city if you live around Asia or Europe since they are pretty much almost a day a head of my city. So I will be updating around 8:00pm-9:00pm Mountain Time (since I live in Canada) on those days. But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this part.

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