Chapter 9: Merry Christmas

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A month has passed since VIXX had their comeback and it was a few days before Christmas. The members were all excited, because they get to see their family this Christmas, well except for one. While everyone was talking about how excited they were to go back to their hometown Ravi would just sit quietly listening to them with a sad smile upon his face. He was upset because he couldn't spend Christmas with his family, he realized this will be the first of many Christmas where he will have no family to celebrate with, he would be all alone. While Ravi was in thought he did not notice the pair of eyes that were looking at him. Leo felt bad, because he knew how hard it will be for Ravi to spend Christmas alone, so he came up with an idea.

After several minutes later, Leo couldn't stand seeing Ravi with a sad smile on his face while everyone was chatting amongst themselves with a happy expression. So he stood up and grabbed onto Ravi's arms dragging him to their room. Leo pulled Ravi into an embrace as Ravi slowly, but surely began to let the tears fall freely.

"W-why did it have to happen to me?" Ravi sobbed. Leo tried best to comfort him

"I don't know, God always has crazy things and tough obstacles planned for everybody. But you know what you will get through. We all help you, the members and Starlights. We are all here for each other." Leo whispered calmly.

"Hyung, I know this so much to ask for, but can I spend Christmas with you and your family instead of being alone." Ravi asked.

"Yeah, of course. I was just about to ask you, if you wanted to spend Christmas with my family and I." Leo stated chuckling, which caused Ravi to laugh as well.

That night everyone was packing a few necessities to spend a couple of weeks at their hometown. Ravi did not know what to pack, he wanted to look presentable to make a good impression on Leo's family. Leo noticed that Ravi was struggling and walked up behind him, pulling him into a hug from behind.

"What are you stressing about love?" Leo asked out of curiosity.

"I want to make a good impression on your family, and I am trying to pick the right outfits." Ravi stated stressed out. Leo lightly chuckled.

"Jagi-ah, you already met my parents, no need to stress about it. They both love you very much." Leo said, trying to ease the latter's thoughts.

"Hyung, I'm not worried about them. I am worried about your three sisters. What if they don't think I'm good enough for you?" Ravi complained in a whiny tone.

"Well it doesn't matter, they are not the ones who you are dating, I am. Plus I already know they will love you." Leo assured Ravi. All Ravi did in response was made a hmph sound, which caused Leo to chuckle. When Ravi heard him chuckle he turned towards him grinning, because he loves it when Leo laughs.

The next morning, everyone up early getting ready quickly to catch their train on time. Ravi and Leo had time to so they decided to have a little breakfast date at a cafe near the station. When it was time to board their train, they quickly went through their checklist they made, to make sure they had everything. When it was confirmed they had everything they needed, they quickly boarded the train and found their seats. The train ride wasn't that far, considering he still lived in Seoul, it was just a different district from Ravi's.

As they were walking to Leo's house, Ravi began to feel nervous. His palms were sweating and he was slightly shaking. Leo looked over towards him giving him a gentle smile, before intertwining their fingers together. Now Leo would have preferred to be picked up, but as soon as they got off the train he saw how nervous Ravi was, so he texted his parents that they would walk. Luckily Leo did not live far from the station, or that would have been a disaster.

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