Chapter 8: Leo's Birthday and Comeback

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After Leo and Ravi broke apart from the kiss the other members quickly bolted from the doorway and back to their dorm to not be seen.

"D-did they just kiss?" Hyuk asked shocked.

"I don't know why you guys are shocked. Like I mean we all saw it coming, like have you guys not noticed how much more caring Leo hyung is towards Ravi-ah. Like seriously I knew something was up when they started to hang out more often. Like Leo hyung doesn't even like to spend his free time with others." Ken explained sounding bored.

1 week later

The album was completed and tomorrow was their comeback. Everyone was pumped and excited, but also exhausted because of non stop practicing to make everything perfect for Starlights. But today everyone had a day off to rest, but since it was Leo's birthday Ravi wanted to do something special for Leo, he wanted to throw him a surprise party even though Leo was not a huge fan of parties, but Ravi's surprise will showcased during the party.

(A/N I know Leo's birthday already passed, but I already had planned how Ravi was going to make it up to Leo, I just never had time to write this chapter.)

Ravi just needed to get N and Ken to have Leo distracted and away from the dorm, so that the two youngest, Hongbin and Hyuk, can help him set up the dorm and invite everyone they know. Luckily he didn't need to beg N and Ken to agree, because they just happily agreed saying that they will have Leo looking good for the party.

Ravi got Hyuk and Hongbin buying all the supplies they need while he invites everyone they know. He invited EXO (EXO will have all 12 members, just a heads up), BTS, Seventeen, BIGBANG, BLACKPINK, 2NE1, and others.
After they got everything they started to set up the dorm, while their managers went and bought drinks and snacks for the party.

While they were setting up the other two who had to keep Leo away from the dorm was having a bit of a problem, because every time they suggested somewhere to go to Leo, Leo would just disagree saying he wants to spend his birthday at home one his room sleeping. But they were finally able to get Leo to agree to go to the pets humane society place, since Leo loves pets so much.

Time skip, 4 hours later

After several hours at the humane society N finally received a message from Ravi saying it was okay to bring Leo back to the dorm.

As they arrived to the dorm Ken quickly wrapped a blindfold around Leo's eyes while N had to hold him from taking off the blind fold. When they walked in they saw that all the lights were off, so they turned it on and everyone jumped out screaming surprise as they took the blindfold off Leo. Leo looked around with astonishment, but then realized Ravi wasn't there, but he was quickly pushed into a chair before he could ask where Ravi was.

Just as he was beginning to get up music began to play and Ravi came out on wearing his briefs and a collar around his neck. Ravi climbed on top of Leo's lap before leaning in and whispering in his ear.

"Tonight. It's my turn to make you feel good" as Ravi huskily whispered into Leo's ear.

Time skip

"I love you." Ravi whispered as he turned his head towards Leo.

"I love you too. Now let's go to sleep our comeback is tomorrow." Leo whispered back before gently pecking Ravi's lips.

The next morning everyone was running around because they were all anxious do their comeback stage, well everyone except Leo, he was in his room sleeping. When everyone got everything prepared they told Ravi to go and wake Leo up. So Ravi quietly walked into his and Leo's room being careful to not knock into anything. As he approached the bed he gently straddled Leo placing both his legs over on both sides of Leo's body. He leaned down and placed a soft and gentle, yet passionate kiss on Leo's lips. Just as he was about to pull away he felt hands go around and pulled him back down. They made out for a few minutes before Leo pulled away panting.

"That was a nice way to wake me up. Maybe you should do it more often." Leo whisper as Ravi giggled at his statement.

"Good morning Jagi-ah." Ravi whispered against Leo's lips.

"Morning love. Is everything prepared?" Leo asked, which Ravi nodded his head in return.

They both got out of bed. Leo heading to the bathroom to freshen up and Ravi going to their closet to pick Leo's outfit to go to the venue their comeback stage is being held. He pick something simple, because once they arrive they will go straight to their dressing room to change into their outfits for the performance.

Time skip: After the performance: Back at the dorm

The performance was a success each and every Starlight loved the new concept for the comeback. As they walked into the dorm they all decided to have a movie night, since they knew it will a busy couple of weeks filled with promotions and interviews. They all decided to watch a horror film, even though N tried to get them to change their minds, as he was a was one of the biggest wimps when it came to horror films. As they were watching everyone was cuddled up against someone. N and Ken together, Hongbin and Hyuk, then Ravi and Leo. Every time Ken would begin to speak, someone would throw something at him to get him to shut up. When a something scary would pop up N and Ken would scream their heads off, Ravi would hide his face in Leo's chest. Hyuk and Hongbin fell asleep during some point in the film, cuddling up against each other. As the credits rolled in Leo noticed everyone has fallen asleep so he carefully got up to take the film out and turn off the television. When he got back to lay next to Ravi, Ravi turned around pulling Leo into an embrace as he snuggled his head in the crook of Leo's neck. Leo quietly whispered I love you to him before falling asleep himself.


I know this part probably wasn't the best. Considering I got lazy to write what their comeback stage was like. But anyways I hope you all enjoyed this story and please comment if you guys want any drama to happen.


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