Chapter 5: Date

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It has been a few days since Leo and Ravi came back to their dorm, and all Ravi would do was keep himself locked in his and Ken's room. All the members were worried especially Leo, they knew Ravi wasn't eating and he wasn't showing up to their rehearsals either. Leo came up with an idea that would definitely cheer Ravi up again, but first he needed to make plans.

Leo then gently knocked on Ravi's door before barging into the room to get Ravi up and ready.

"Yah! Ravi-ah get up, I wanna take you somewhere special." Leo demanded.

"I don't want to hyung, can you please leave." Ravi begged.

"Please Ravi-ah. I want to take you somewhere important to me." Leo whispered getting upset, because Ravi didn't want to hang out with him.

Ravi didn't like to hear Leo upset, so he reluctantly got out of bed and got dressed. Before they left Leo told them that they would be having a picnic at one of his favourite places and that they would be walking to their destination. So here they were walking towards wherever Leo was leading them too. After a while they finally reach their destination which is a cliff that over looks the ocean.

"What is this place Leo?" Ravi asked in awe.

"This where I go when I want to be alone and clear my thoughts. Sometimes I would come up here to help me think of song ideas, the view just puts me at ease. I found this place back when we first started our training. When i was homesick I would come out here just to calm myself down. This place is very important to me Ravi, and you must promise not to tell anyone about this. It will just be between you and I, okay." Leo explained to Ravi.

Ravi nodded his head pulling him into an embrace tucking his head into the crook of Leo's neck. They both sat in silence. Leo was waiting for Ravi to pour out his feelings so that he would feel better, while Ravi was waiting for Leo to start a conversation.

"Ravi-ah, another reason I brought you here was so that you would feel comfortable to pour out everything you have on your mind to me." Leo explained.

"But I don't think I'm able to. I'll just end up crying." Ravi muttered.

"That's okay, I just want you to release all of your emotions." Leo softly said.

And with that being said Ravi finally had a break down. He released all the emotions he was feeling inside.

"W-why d-did t-they have to g-go? W-why now?" Ravi sobbed. Leo didn't like to see his dongsaeng cry. He pulled him into an embrace to try and comfort him to the best of his capability.

They sat in each other's arms, with Ravi crying into Leo's chest and Leo rubbing Ravi's back and whispering comforting words into Ravi's ear. After Ravi calmed down Leo was able to convince Ravi into eating what he made for their picnic. After they finished eating they headed back to the dorm only to be greeted by nothing, they both assumed everyone was asleep and headed to Ravi and Ken's room. Leo was planning on sleeping with Ravi, so he asked Ken if he would sleep with N that night, which thankfully he agreed too.

When they both got into bed, Ravi came up with an idea to thank Leo for taking him out and cheering him up. Ravi hovered over Leo and pulled Leo into a kiss, but pulled away shortly after. With Ravi facing the wall, Leo moves in closer behind him, pulling him into an embrace. Since Leo thought Ravi was asleep he quietly whispered I love you to Ravi then fell asleep. But really Ravi was awake the whole time, and was quite shocked that Leo loved him, but was quite pissed that Leo lied saying he didn't understand his feelings. While Leo went to bed with a smile on his face, Ravi went to bed with a frown on his face.

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What do you guys think will happen at the next part. Do you want it to be a happy chapter or a sad chapter. I'm leaning more towards the sad chapter in the beginning, but it will become happy towards the end. But anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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