Chapter 2: Dilemma

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|| I don't know how long I will make this story, but I plan on making it 20 parts minimum, so if you have any ideas to keep the story interesting please do comment it. It will be appreciated. ||

Ravi woke up in Leo's arms, and was quite shocked to say the least, since Leo usually wakes up before Ravi, considering Ravi is always the last one to wake up. Ravi quietly attempted to get out of bed, only to be pulled back in by Leo.

"5 more minuets, just don't move."
Leo said groggily.

So Ravi just laid there letting Leo get more rest, since Ravi knew Leo was always tired. After 5 minuets Leo began to shift and woke up. Leo greeted Ravi with a small smile and a head nod, and quietly got out of the bed to get ready. While Leo was gone Ravi quickly got out of the bed and headed back to his room...only to see Ken and N making out.

Ravi screamed out of shock.

"Oh My God! Ravi we are so sorry, please you can't tell anyone about this, you got to promise you won't tell anyone."
N begged.

"Don't worry, I won't tell. I only screamed because I was shocked."
Ravi replied with the hint of annoyance in his voice.

"What died in your ass?"
Ken asked laughing
He only received a glare from Ravi.

"None of your business, now leave me alone."
Ravi said even more pissed.

Ravi was annoyed that he couldn't be like that to Leo, just because he was scared that Leo would make fun of him, or that the company might find out and probably kick him out of the group. But after seeing Ken and N make out with not really caring, well until he screamed, he was stuck with dilemma on whether or not he should confess to Leo or keep his feelings hidden.

Throughout breakfast Ravi was being unusually quiet, he is usually the one to start conversations, but that morning Ravi was just silently eating while looking down. Everyone was worried, especially Leo, because they don't know what was wrong with the latter. Halfway through Ravi quietly got up, to head back to his room.

"Ravi-ah, where are you going? Are you not going to finish your breakfast?"
N asked politely.

"No hyung, I lost my appetite, I'm just going to lay down in my room."
Ravi monotonously replied.

While Ravi was walking back to him room, everyone was beginning to feel even more worried for the latter.
Leo made a mental note to talk to him after breakfast.
When Leo finished his breakfast, he quietly thanked them for breakfast and headed to Ravi's room. When he got inside he saw Ravi cuddled under his blanket crying quietly, so carefully walkers to Ravi's bed without making any noise and got under the covers beside Ravi pulling him closer.

"What's wrong Ravi? Is something bothering you?"
Leo asked in his usual quiet voice.

"No hyung, I'm okay."
Ravi replied ask he cried.

"Ravi I know your not okay, you just called me hyung, and you only cal me hyping when something is wrong. You can tell me I won't judge and give you my full attention."
Leo said as he tried to persuade Ravi into telling him what was wrong.

"I can't tell you Taekwoon!!"
Ravi yelled getting agitated.

"Why not! What is so secretive that you had to hide it?!"
Leo argued back.

"Because if I do tell you, it could change things for the worse."
Ravi whispered.

"You can tell me Ravi, I promise to not leave you, no matter what you say."
Leo promised.

So with those words Ravi finally got the courage to confess to Leo.

||A/N hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this surprise update, I have finally decided on when I will update. So I will update this story, Beautiful Liar, on Mondays, on Wednesdays I will update my other story, Adore U, and on Fridays I will update both, Adore U and Beautiful Liar, unless I decide to publish a third story. But anyways what do you think Leo will say once Ravi confesses? ||

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