Chapter 10: Goodbye for Now

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3 years later

It has been three years since Leo had proposed to Ravi, and Leo and N were headed off to serve their time in the military.

It was an emotional time for both VIXX and Starlights, because VIXX was officially on a hiatus until Hyuk comes back from the army. It was even harder for Ravi and Ken who had to say goodbye to their significant other.

"I don't want you to go." Ravi whispered to Leo as they laid in bed.

"I don't want to go either. But you know it's part of the law that we have to go. We can't escape it, just because we are idols." Leo replied as he pulled Ravi closer not wanting to let go.

No one said anything after that. They just stayed in each others arms for the rest of the night, scared to let go.

The next morning they all got up getting ready to say goodbye to their hyungs. Everyone was crying, especially N, who tends to be over emotional at times. Everything was silent, all you could hear was them crying as they ate as a whole family for the last time, until they are all together again.

The car ride was even worse. Not even Ken would make joke to lift the mood. N tried to speak, but it was so hard for him: he was not ready to be split up from people, he spent years with. The people he now calls his second family. The couple in the back were extremely silent. They sat at opposite ends, both looking outside their window. Eventually Leo looked towards Ravi and saw tears streaming down his face. He couldn't stand looking at him in this state and shifted closer to pull Ravi onto his lap, before moving back towards his side. When Leo pulled him onto his lap Ravi was quite shocked, to see himself being lifted, until he realized it was just Leo pulling him onto his lap. Ravi snuggled closer to Leo, hiding his face in the nape of Leo's neck. While Leo stroked his back and pecking the top of Ravi's head, to calm him down.

When they arrived at their destination they were all saying their final goodbyes. Ravi gave N a long hug, before heading towards his own boyfriend. Once Ravi was close enough Leo quickly pulled Ravi into a tight embrace, both of them crying into each other's arms.

"I want to wait until Hyuk comes back from the military before we get married. Is that okay?" Leo whispered in Ravi's ear. Ravi slightly nodded his head agreeing with what Leo said. When they were to get married he wanted all the VIXX members to be there.

"I love you. Please don't forget me?" Ravi whispered.

"I will never forget you." Leo's responded. "I love you too. "

They gave each other one last kiss until Leo had to leave. On the was home it was a heartbreaking scene. Everyone was crying. Hongbin and Hyuk wanted to help their two hyungs, but they didn't know what to do. Once they arrived at the dorm, Ken and Ravi quickly went to their respected rooms to lock themselves in it. Hyuk and Hongbin just sat in the living area comforting each other, while Ken and Ravi just sat in their beds silently crying to themselves.



I know this is short and I apologize. But I just needed to get something up, considering I haven't updated in a while. But just a quick heads up there are about a chapter or 2 before I post the epilogue and end the book. I will try my hardest to update at least once a week, but school has been getting more stressful, since there is less than 6 months until my final. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Goodbye♡


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