Chapter 12: Welcome Home (Epilogue)

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*2 years later*

   Today was the day the two oldest hyungs came home from the army. And everyone was ecstatic to finally see them again. They were all excited to be a whole once again, before Ken had to go. The younger members and Ken were just glad they were able to help Ravi out the depression he got himself in before the two eldest came back. It took several months of them communicating with him through the door, and several therapy sessions, but they were able to get Ravi back to his normal happy, silly self.
   Now if anyone was happy it would have been Ravi. Ravi couldn't wait to see Leo again, you can pretty much say Ravi can't live with Leo. But let's just say Ravi isn't the only one who felt the same, because Leo knew he could never live without Ravi.
   While the members at the dorm decided to set up a mini surprise party, with just the members, for their hyungs, Leo and N has just arrived back in Seoul.
   "Aren't you excited Leo?! We finally get to see everyone again!" N screamed in excitement. But the only response N got was a head nod, which caused N to pout.
   "Oh come on. That's your reaction. Not even a smile." N whined like a little child who didn't get candy. Leo looked at N, and gave a slight smile, which caused N to release a sigh with a small smile upon his face himself.
   They met up with their manager who was waiting in the van for them. They caught up with the manager, and asking about how the other members were doing.
   "We're all doing fine. But during the beginning when you guys first left, Ravi went through really bad depression, I don't know much about it because he didn't feel comfortable sharing it with me. But the other members were able to get him out and brought him to therapy sessions, so he can let everything out. Leo if you want more information on it you will have to ask Ravi about it." The manager explained. To say Leo and N were shocked was an understatement. They never imagined their member who was always happy could go through such thing.
   When they got to the parking lot of the dorm the manager texted Ken informing they have arrived home and were coming up. Ken informed the others and they all stood by the door holding a welcome home cake with some members holding the birthday poppers. As the door opened they all shouted
   As Hongbin and Hyuk released the confetti in the poppers. Ravi quickly pulled Leo into an embrace, as Ken gave Hongbin the cake before doing the same to N. Everyone was smiling and happy, while Ravi cried into the crook of Leo's neck. Leo gently played with Ravi's hair calming him down.
   "Why are you crying Jagi-ah?" Leo asked in a soft voice.
   "I j-ju-just missed y-you." Ravi hiccuped in response.
   After he calmed down everyone had a slice of cake catching up with each other. As they did so, Leo was wondering why they never brought up the topic of Ravi's depression. He felt like they wanted to hide it from him. When Leo finished he got up thanking the members for the party before stating he has to unpack. Ravi followed the go and help him. As they got into their room Ravi closed the door as Leo just sat on the he bed staring at the floor. When Ravi sat down he decided to ask.
   "Ravi, why didn't you tell me about your depression?" He asked. Upon hearing those words Ravi gasped, and tears began to form in his eyes. He didn't want to tell Leo, not because he knew he wouldn't be mad, but because he would be disappointed.
   "I just wanted to forget about that weak moment I went through while you were gone. Plus it wasn't that serious." Ravi tried to calmly explain without breaking.
   "Not important. NOT IMPORTANT! Then explain to me, why did our manager tell me you had to go to several therapy sessions and you wouldn't talk to the other members for months! Huh! Explain to me beduase I would like to know myself!! What if I lost you!! What would happen to me!! What if you overdosed, or even cut yourself to death!! This is a serious issue, why would you try to hide it from me!!" Leo yelled in anger as tears streamed down Ravi's face.
  Throughout the screaming, the other members walked into the room wondering what the screaming. They didn't do anything because it was Leo mad and they knew nothing they say will do anything. If anything it will make things worse.
   "Why would you do that!!" Leo yelled filled with even more anger as all Ravi did was cry.
   When Leo realized Ravi wasn't going to say anything he got up and adorned out of the room pushing the other members out of the way. The members watched as Leo Leo slammed the door shut after exiting the dorm. N was the first to react quickly rushing to Ravi, pulling him into a comforting embrace.
   "Give him sometime Ravi. He isn't mad at you, he's made at himself for not being able to help." N explained with tears of his own fell down his face.
   As he comforted Ravi the others went to go look for Leo making sure he didn't do anything stupid. They went to all of his favorite places and found him at the playground near their old dorm. They carefully walked up to him and sat around him.
   "I'm probably the most stupid person. I shouldn't have let my anger get ahead of me and yell at him. Depression isn't something easy to deal with. I should know." Leo stated as they just sat there listening.
   "Why did I have to release my anger towards him. I shouldn't have yelled at him. I was just so frustrated you guys wouldn't tell us yourselves. If the manager never told me I'd probably wouldn't have a clue about his depression. But please tell me did he cut himself." Leo asked. He looked up and all they did was just nod. With that Leo go up quickly running back to their dorm to apologize to Ravi.
   As he arrived back into his room he saw Ravi sitting on N's lap sleeping. When he approached them N carefully handed Ravi to Leo. Leo sat down pulling him closer to his chest. Ravi snuggled closer.
   "I'm sorry Ravi-ah. I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself for not being here myself to stop it." Leo explained to a sleeping Ravi.
   He carefully rolled up Ravi's sleeves seeing some white scars. He gently placed kisses on them before pecking Ravi's forehead. As he did so he felt Ravi shift and looked at him. Ravi was already staring at him.
   "I'm sorry." Ravi whispered before pulling Leo into a passionate kiss.
   After they pulled away they were both panting heavily. Leo just pulled Ravi closer gently rubbing his back.
   "Hyung, can you promise me that when it's time for me to go to the military, you won't do what I did and let depression control you." Ravi asked.
   "I promise, but let's not talk about you leaving just yet. I just got back. Let go sleep now. I love you Jagi-ah." Leo stated pulling Ravi and himself into bed laying down.
   "I love you too." Ravi whispered.
   That night they fell asleep in each others arms.



Tbh with you guys, I never thought I finished this story. This was meant to be longer, but I just had really bad writers block. I had no idea what to write for this story anymore. But I still hoped you guys still enjoyed this journey with me.

If you guys want you should definitely see my other stories, Adore U (which is Soonhoon based and is completed) and Lost (which is Yoonmin based and is still on going).

Once again thank you for reading this crappy story.


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