Nothing Like Starting Over

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"Hey princess it's time to get going it's a three hour drive." Louis whispered into Harry's ear waking him.

"Five more minutes please." Harry whined.

"No babe come on. You need shower and get beautiful. So we can go." Louis kissed all over his face planting a quick one on the bump of his stomach. 

Harry yawned throwing the duvet off of him.  He walked into the bathroom dropping his boxers as he turned on the water. He jumped when Louis snuck in quietly wrapping his arms around him. He was naked too.

"We can't have sex you know?" Harry said.

"Well shit but we can still shower together though." he smiled.

They stepped into the shower.

Louis took in Harry. He was beautiful the way the water cascaded down his body. Louis grabbed Harry's fruity soap and washed his body going in gentle circles on his stomach. 

"You are so perfect to me." Louis cooed.

They both washed each other in turn. They both put on baggy clothes and packed a few extra cause there was no way they were driving back the same night. They'd have to get a hotel.

"Lou who's car are we taking?"

"Yours it be more comfortable." he picked up the bag of their clothes and the suits.

"I'm pregnant Louis not useless let me carry something."

"Okay look in our closet and get the bag from the shelf." Louis bit his lip. 

Harry grabbed the bag and opened it when Louis nodded. He pulled out a pink bodywrap.

"I've been forgetting to give that to you. It's my I'm sorry for ripping your wrap gift." Louis smiled.

Harry walked kissing him.

"I love it thank you babe." he smiled. 

He put it back in closet and followed Louis out. He turned around locking the door and twisting the knob hard making sure it was locked and it was. He was nervous yet again.

"Wait," Harry said stopping bending over throwing up "damn morning sickness."

"You alright?" Louis asked as he unlocked the back. 

"Yeah I'm good." he smiled.

They got in and for some reason not but thirty minutes into the ride Harry fell asleep.

"Hey princess wake up." Louis shook him gently.

"How did I fall asleep?"

"I don't know but we are at the hotel." he knodded towards the hotel.

"Must be the baby." Harry said.

It was 5 o'clock on the dot. They would have to be quick changing. They quickly changed into their suits and they were ready.

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