I'm not going to change for you Mum

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Harry couldn't really sleep at all that entire night. He just laid there in a mess of covers and let his mind take over his thoughts.

When the sun creeped through the crack of the curtains he groaned and scooted deeper into the covers. He could hear his name being called from downstairs probably for breakfast. He honestly wasn't hungry.

Eventually he fell asleep underneath the covers still hugging the pillow tightly even though it was morning. He took himself to a better place where Louis and him were happy. Where they would chase each other around the apartment.

Louis however had a nightmare that left him awake and he couldn't go back to sleep. He couldn't get it out of his head what he had done and the look on Harry's face. He hated himself for not chasing after him he knew that's what Harry wanted.

He reached for his phone off the night stand. He dialed and waited for an answer.

"Hello?" Jays voice answered.

"Mum," Louis said letting every emotion he felt show in his voice, "I've fucked up." Louis cried.

"What do you mean L, what did you do?" Jay questioned with a gentle tone.

"I messed up, I-", Louis started crying again, "I told Harry he really was a bet, that our son was nothing."

"Louis darling," Jay began, "do you love him?"

"Yes mum I do so much I want to marry him. I've asked his hand he said yes, but I don't think he will forgive me for what I've said to him." Louis said.

"Go to him Louis, don't sit there and expect him to come walking back in. You go to him L, if you love him as much as you say you must go after him." Jay said.

"Mum I don't know where he is." Louis said feeling helpless.

"My boy if I were him and I needed some where to go, I'd go to my only other home." Jay assured.

"Thank you mum, so much, but what if he doesn't want to see me?" Louis started thinking about all the bad things.

He heard Jay giggle.

"What's funny?" Louis questioned.

"You overthinking things love is what's funny. Now I do believe you should get going." Jay reminded him.

"Right okay bye mum I-" Louis stopped himself.

"I love you too." Jay said before hanging up.

I didn't say I love you Louis thought. Louis quickly packed a small bag and wasted no time getting to his car. He remembered that there was still the broken dishes on the kitchen floor.

It was too late to go quickly clean it up but Harry already knew about them.

With slight speeding it took Louis a little over 2 and a half hours to get there. He rang the doorbell and Gemma answered with William in her arms. William smiled at his daddy and Louis cooed.

"I know what you're doing here and I'm surely not going to stop you." Gemma smiled.

Louis wrapped her in a hug thanking her over and over.

"He's been asleep for a while so you let him sleep he needs it, he was asleep when I went in to grab a diaper for him ten minutes ago." Gemma said.

Louis nodded and kissed his son on the cheek.

"I love you my son." Louis said with meaning.

"Upstairs and last door on the left." Gemma said before walking off somewhere.

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