"I have you"

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Louis blinked open his eyes from sleep.

"L-Louis?" his hoarse voice sounded again.

Louis sat up quickly leaning over so Harry could see him.

"I'm here." Louis said.

Harry rubbed his stomach, as if the searing pain in his shoulder was nothing. He felt the pain in his shoulder and stomach from surgery.

"William where is he?" Harry almost panicked but Louis kissed him gently on the lips calming him.

"He's here," Louis nodded towards the cot at the foot of the bed "he's so perfect, and healthy."

"Let me see him." Harry said.

"Okay, do you want anything first though, the doctor should have a look at you first?" Louis said unsure if it was a good idea to let him see William.

"Let me see our son Lou please," Harry begged "I've been shot and my baby was removed while I was out. I want to see him now." Harry ordered. 
Louis silently walked to the cot picking the baby up and bringing him to Harry. Harry's eyes started watering when he saw the baby. He reached out with his arms wanting him but immediately grunted loudly with the pain from the gunshot wound.

"How about I give him to you, yeah?" Louis suggested.

"Yeah." Harry said gaining his normal voice back.

Louis placed William in Harry's good arm. He smiled widely as Harry looked at him with such admiration. He was beautiful. Harry immediately saw Louis in him. 

"I've missed days with you little one, mummy isn't going to miss anymore I promise

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"I've missed days with you little one, mummy isn't going to miss anymore I promise." he kissed his head gently.

"I'm going to go let your doctor know your awake." Louis smiled leaning over kissing both his boys on the head.

Harry looked over noticing Niall was sleeping on the couch. He scrunched his brows at the sight. Why was Niall here? Was there anyone else here apart from him? Oh god what if my mother came. Harry had a million things running through his mind.

What happened to Liam? Is he okay? He thought about this too.

Louis came back in with Harry's doctor.

"Mr. Styles! Brilliant you are awake," the doctor walked closer to Harry "let's have a look."

Louis took the baby so the doctor could check him over properly.

After checking him over the doctor said they could go after another day. Harry wanted William back. Since the moment he woke up he's clinged to their son. Niall woke up as they were checking Harry over.

"Good to see you are awake." Niall smiled.

He stayed a bit longer afterwards then left. Harry and Louis were again alone. The thought of Liam was still eating at Harry. Louis changed not long after he got in the room with William. He didn't want to tell Harry what happened with Liams blood on him. If he asked that is.

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