"He wanted to be someone good you know?"

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Louis helped Harry change into something cozy and warm. It was March now but in England it was always a little chilly outside, around that time. They wrapped William up in the carrier with a nice blanket. Louis didn't know where he should take Harry.  He didn't know if the floor had been replaced from where the blood had stained it. It's been 3 days it should be.

Harry sat in the back with William like they all do for the ride home. The bumps Louis hit made pain shoot through his shoulder causing him to wince. Harry stared at William he could see the feautures of Louis in him.

He had Louis' ears, his mouth,  and his beautiful blue eyes. He had Harry's nose, and hair. Little spiral curls made themselves known on the top of his head. It was by any means adorable.

He looked more like Louis which warmed Harry because that's what he wanted for their little boy to look like his father.

"Haz?" Louis said from the front.

"Hm?" Harry replied. 

"Do-do you wanna go back home to the apartment?" Louis said nervously.
"Do I need to?" Harry said sounding off.

Louis was silent for a beat.

"No, you don't not right now at least but you will have to face it sooner or later." Louis answered softly.

Harry stayed silent. Louis was right he would need to face it, but he just wasn't ready right now. How was he supposed to be able to go see Liam at his funeral? All he felt like right now was hell. His heart ached, it was broken. He lost his best friend.

"I don't know where we go then." Louis said feeling almost helpless.

"We- I mean I can try and go back." Harry said.

Louis swallowed.

"I mean I just don't think I have the money for a room right now." Louis said.

"Take me home then Louis, I can try this for the sake of our money." he said. 

Louis took the turn for the apartments. He hoped the blood had been cleaned up. He turned in the car park pulling in a space.

"Ready?" Louis said reaching for his handle.

"I guess I have no choice but to be." Harry answered. 

Louis opened his door, walking to Harry's and opened it for him. Louis grabbed the carrier. Harry wanted to take the steps so he could slowly get there instead of being flung right into the place.

"You can do this." Louis boasted kissing his cheek and grabbing his hand.

Harry took a deep breath climbing the stairs slowly not only because the incident but the soreness of his stomach plus the pain of his shoulder did not mix well with stairs.

Harry froze at the last flight of stairs, that led up to the floor. Louis gave his hand a squeeze Harry held his hand tighter.

"Deep breath come on baby you can do it I'm right here." Louis said softly.

Harry raised his foot to put it on the stair but put it back down. His eyes began to water and his chest ached even worse. He mustered up the courage and finished those steps.

Louis hopes were dashed when the stain was still there. Right where Liam fell. Surely that meant that the stain of Harry's was still on the floor too.

Harry's eyes froze on the large stain.

"Harry don't look at it." Louis said.

Harry's eyes couldn't move. They were froze as if they were literally stuck. Louis put William down and went to Harry. 

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