He's My Heaven

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Harry sat at the bar of the kitchen in the apartment. Staring at the blank email box he had yet to fill with words regarding his passion. He had yet to fill it out but he didn't know how to explain it. Especially to Mrs.Bramble who looked at him with such pride for being her best dancer in the studio. Sure someone had probably already earned that title by now.

I was the best student, she thought of me as her own, how bad could this be come on Harry. Harry thought.

He bounced William gently on his knee. Louis was at work and would be for the next few hours. He figured since Louis is gone he might be able to focus on what he wants and not Louis. It hasn't helped much though. The only words he's gotten down are Dear Mrs. Bramle,. Nothing more.

"Okay little man mummy needs to get himself out of it and type this email." Harry said to William who was sucking on his fist.

He began writing and finished it. He urged her to contact him by his phone number or by the email to which he sent that one through. He went back to what he was doing before he suddenly wanted to get back into his dancing. Sitting on the couch and starting back up the movie he was watching. He laid William down on the blanket beside him on the couch so he could wiggle and squirm as much as he liked and be comfortable.

They had gotten back the day before from Wolverhampton they did exactly what Harry wanted and went straight home. It was nice but still didn't seem himself and he really hadn't even before all this. It worried Harry a good bit, he wasn't going to make an appointment for a specialist unless Louis consented because that wouldn't be right.


From Loubear 😘💙:

The boss is being a bitch making me work overtime I love you boys 💚😘


It's okay we love you daddy 😊and we're proud of your hard work. Can't wait until your home xxxx mwuahh 😘

He saw that Louis read it but understood he was at work and couldn't reply back. There was so much on Harry's mind. Ballet, Louis and his oddness. Well that wasn't a lot but it sure felt like it. He wanted to shower but William was being relentless with going down for a  nap. If Harry put him down he would start crying. It was frustrating.

"I think we need to go for a walk mister you just won't go down stubborn like your daddy." Harry said kissing the top of his head.

He placed William in his stroller putting a light blanket over him before pushing it out the apartment. He quickly pushed the stroller back in remembering he can go for a run now so he quickly changed into his joggers and sneakers. He decided to go to the college and run the trail he knew and loved.

The trail was beautiful not a thing changed about it. As he walked some guys yelled from behind him to hold up. They some how looked familiar but their appearance told Harry he should just keep going. Something kept him there his feet planted as he stood firmly in front of William for safety.

I'm honestly scared these guys look like they are from that frat Louis was in. Walk Harry walk I told myself. I couldn't move.

"Oi pretty boy." one said now in front of me.

"What do you want?" I questioned nervously but I didn't let that show.

"Nothing," the other one smiled in a way that said go now "who's baby?"

He veered his head around Harry so he could see the baby in the stroller. William was asleep.

"I don't see how that's any of your concern," I said moving in front of his vision "if your here to start shit feel free to fuck off." Harry said sternly.

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