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Ambers pov:
My head was hurting and I felt hot.. I felt like I was on fire and with every breath I took it would hurt my lungs... my heat.. I've been 17 for a whole year meaning this was my 2 heat and yes I'm mateless ....

I heard my brother Nile walk down the stairs and in to my room with a worry look .. he grabbed my arm and helped me strip down only to my bra and underwear he ran to the bathroom and ran a cold shower for me

As I hopped in I felt my muscles relax a bit .. I still felt the pain though... I hate heats I can't stand them... it's like having your period but 10x worse .." are you alright amber" Nile said as I closed my eyes " yea I'm alright Nile thank you... can you pass me my towel please...

I hopped out of the tub and walked to my closet and pulled out my hoodie jacket and shorts and fresh pair off boxer underwear ...

My names amber O'Brien I'm 17 years old and I'm a beta to the forest green pack, my father was killed in a rouge attack and my mother left Nile and I at a younger age , it's just been my brother Nile and I .. Nile was our alphas new beta .. alpha Wes .. our pack was the 2nd ranked strongest pack the first was our close friends the ocean blue pack....

After my heat passed I went down stairs to the living room .. my father left us the house and alpha didn't mind that we stayed in the house or his pack house .. he was like a father to us kind and caring he never wanted any harm to come to us..

I turned on the tv to see my favorite show one supernatural my favorite show dean was super hot.. I was watching tv for about an hour till the door opens with my brother and alpha walking in" hey guys .. what's up?"
Alpha looked at me and smiled " the sky thats what" he was always the smart ass out off all of use and silly at time he might be in his 30ths but he loves to act childish ... alpha lost his mate in a fire 5 years ago 4 days after giving birth to Ryan his son the next alpha in line.. he was like my little brother and I his big sister ..
" amber go get dressed alpha Andrew is coming by for a meeting with his beta and gamma , hurry your to help the women in the kitchen make dinner " said Nile as he walked to the kitchen with an annoyed look on his face .. he never liked alpha Andrew much because he was a horrible person.. every one say that he's the most arrogant , rude , selfish, lying, protective, sinful alpha ever.. no one dared mess with him ....

I groaned and walked up to my room to change in to my pink crop top and a pair of white jeans with pink converse .. I wasn't girly that much but I do like pink not just any pink but hot pink it was beautiful and looked good with white ... I put my hair in a ponytail and added some mascara and walked out and ran to my brother and jumped on his back as he carried me ...

We all walked out an hour later to the pack house .. as we passed some lower ranked wolves some girls eying me and glaring I turned my eyes at them and narrowed my eyes .. when they noticed me glaring them they lifted their necks in submission ... my wolf nessa didn't like being looked at .. we arrived at the pack house to what seemed like a crazed fair... alpha growled and gave out orders ...
alpha hates disorder ...
I was currently baking my favorite velvet cake, it was alphas and niles favorite dessert , but then again they love all the things I bake like cookies, cake, browns, you name it they love it....

It was about and hour till the door opened and I smelled the most amazing smell ever .. chocolate and strawberries my favorite .. i didn't think of it much since I thought it was my cake starting to bake ... Nile walked in and started growling and I couldn't help it but giggle a little at his childish ways... he looked up at me with his black orbs telling me his wolf rover was in control ... " rover calm down alpha will be upset if you attack alpha Andrew" he looked up at me a sighed after nodding and let my brother have control .. his black eyes going back to the perfect green eyes I love so much .. he had fathers eyes and mothers blond hair... my brother was tall and very muscular .. he had the warriors tattoo of the south north and east .. I on the other hand only had north and east I had blue eyes like moms and red hair ... mom said I got my red hair from her fathers side....

" Amber can you go down to the basement and get that wine that alpha loves so much " Nile asked as he walked to the freezer and got out a ice cream cone.. I nodded my head and walked down to the basement or as I call it the alcohol room ... it has all types of wine , it also had beer cans bear bottles , taquilla , whiskey and all other types of alcohols beverages you could think of really ... I grabbed alpha favorite some 1978 wine bottle .. I'm not much of a fan of drinks like that... I rather not get drunk or anything really...

I walked upstairs and found Jenny the packs slut in the kitchen eating one of my cookies.. I growled at her and she turned to look at me with a smirk.." those are for alpha Wes and alpha Andrew get your grubby slutty hand off of them.. now Jenny "

" oh you mean theses cookies mm nah.. I was thinking of giving them to alpha Andrew and must I say he is just delicious, i bet I'm his mate ..." Jenny said as she hopped down from the chair and took the plate of cookies upstairs to the alphas netting room..

I didn't care much about her but sometimes I just wanted to punch her in the throat .. I mean I could if I wanted too but alpha hated and fights being brought forth in the pack ... I respected his rules ... alpha wasn't mean or anything but he wasn't strict ... our pack allows females and males to train no matter what your rank was... and only the strongest wolves would become his warriors ... even the pups would train at age 13 they would start training the was younger would play in the park or play soccer but alpha would make them run around and make sure they stamina would grow so that by the time there 13 the could last longer in the training grounds ...

I continued baking and cookies with the other women until it was 4:30 time for us to set the table for the alpha betas and gammas.... we set the table by ranks alpha wes sat at one end while alpha sat at the other end on the table .. I would have to sit next to Nile while he sat next to the alpha in the Luna's chair .. alpha gamma and beta would sit next to him as well I across his gamma and Nile across his beta and mark our gamma would sit next to me ...that was the order when we had visitors...

I was getting the food ready when alpha Wes, Nile and mark walked in and sat down ... i hear Andrew walk in with his beta and gamma as I was about to sit down when I was tackled to the floor with a great force .. I hit my head on the floor before looking up everything was foggy the lasting thing I heard before I passed out was "Mine"

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