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I say there above a tree with Lola and 20 other rouges ready for the signal to attack, we were stations at the south boarder while 20 others were station on the north west and east border of the ocean blue pack.. just one sound was heard and that was the laughter and happiness and gossip of the alphas and Luna's new pup..
that mutt took everything from me. He was mine so was her brother but no she had to through me out like I was nothing and making alpha Wes banish me from the pack.. she's my kill and I'll kill her pups in front of her before I kill her..
I looked at amber holding our son zi while Francis and cristal was asleep in their cribs. I walked over to her grabbing her wast holding her, looking down at my son " Amber thank you for ...." I looked up my wolf growling I smelled the air something was wrong I can sense it

"Andre what is it?" I looked at amber with worry get the pups and go to the cellars with the females, pups and old go now."  It wasn't a suggestion it was a command something I never give to her only if needed and she knew I was serious, she grabbed cristal and Cody as I grabbed Francis we ran down to the cellars I mindlinked ever one
"Wolves something's wrong get the old, women and pups to the cellar, warriors be on high alert, hurry!"
I walked with amber side by side my wolf on alert along with hers we saw women and children and old run down to the cellars they gave us room letting amber and the pups to go first since they were to be protected the most..
once I knew everyone was safely inside I closed the door locking it and putt 10 warriors at the door guarding it.
I ran out side seeing mark draver and Nile he had worry in his eyes for his mate my bestfriend Alexia who was pregnant with his pup. " is everyone here?"... I  waited seeing and hearing everyone giving me a yes.."alright we need to protect the pack worriers get in groups of 30 and go to each border Line as for the rest stay in the center and wait to attack if anything happens."
We all waited
Only sound hear was the birds and the breeze
1 hour pass
2 hours pass
I was beginning  to think it was nothing until I heard it
One long howl of a rouge
I waited
then I heard it pounds on the ground wolves running tons of them... I howled my war call and everyone was ready..
War has begun.

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