My Heavy Mind

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Amber's POV

"Man, you wouldn't believe what we ran into while we were out there." I was drawn out of thoughts due to Jackson speaking about what had happened while he, Glenn, Abraham, Ugene, Tara and Rosita were out, trying to look for Maggie and the rest of us. The group was spread out along the open space that was located somewhere in the Georgia woods, resting for the night after an eventful encounter with Terminus many, many hours ago.

The sun slowly began to set as Daryl and Rick wandered around the group, checking for things. Ugene, Rosita, and Abraham had their own little space by a couple of trees. Maggie and Glenn were clearing out a space for themselves as I and Jackson just sat ourselves up against two trees, facing each other. Carl and Judith didn't sit too far away either.

"Alright, what happened?" I asked as I let out a laugh.

"It was this train tunnel, but towards the middle was blocked off by a bunch of walkers stuck under rubble and dabre. And then after that, there was so much more. We nearly died trying to get out until Maggie, Ugene, and them found us and saved us."

"Damn. Ya'll were on some adventure." We both chuckled and soon settled into a calm silence. Then the sound of footsteps crushing leaves approach us. I looked over to find Rick flash a grin at me, then glance over at Jackson.

"Hey Jackson, I need you and Rosita on first watch tonight, then you'll switch off with Carol and Daryl. Okay?" I looked over at Jackson and saw him nod, then stand up, walking away and over towards Rosita. Rick nodded down towards me and was about to walk away when he turned back around.

"Oh, and Amber, your dad's looking for you." I nodded and then stood up myself, dusting myself off as I set off to find Daryl. I walked over to where my bow laid, which was located by Carl and little Judith. As I walked up behind him, I tapped his shoulder, telling him that he was sitting on the string of my holster.

"Oh, sorry." He said, leaning on one side. I let out a chuckle as I sat the holster up and counted the arrows.

"It's okay."

"Everything alright? How's your hand?" He asked as he bounced Judith up and down in his arms. I glanced down at my hand and just sighed.

You could see the blood slightly seeping through the bandage as well as the dripped blood on my sleeve, but I just smiled.

"It hurts like hell." I whispered as I laughed.

"I'm fine. However, you define being fine, that is. How's she doing?" I asked as I glanced over to Judith, who happened to just be staring up at her brother. He smiled and then looked back at her, laughing.

"She's as good as she looks." I smiled.

"She must be freaking great then." I said as I reached out to tap her cheeks. She just stared back at me, causing me to let out a small smile.

"How are you really doin?" Carl asked with seriousness written all over his voice. I sighed.

"My head is kinda all over the place. But I'm here, so I guess I'm fine." Carl sighed before settling Judith in his lap and reaching over to place his hand onto my knee.

"How are you?" I asked, having the boy sigh before smiling.

"I'm here, I'm hanging on." We just smiled when I spoke.

"Alright, I'm gonna go ahead and find my dad. I'll find you guys later tonight."

"Alright." Was all Carl said as I turned and walked away to try and find Daryl. I walked past Glenn and Maggie, having them smile at me as I pasted by which I returned. I moved a few branches out of the way as I decended into the dimly lit forest.

AMBER | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now