I'm Pretending to be a Guy... Will my Secret Get Out??

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I wanted to get this idea out of my head so I can concentrate on my other story


'Arhh, my name's Luke Snowater' I stated in a low voice, at the registration desk for the motorbike race that was happing not to soon.

Let me give you the information on my situation. My name is REALLY Lucia Somers, and I'm pretending to be a guy so I can play the sport I love with out my family knowing. My family's expectations of me are really high, so I have to be a girly girl, when really I'm not, so my parents will be proud of me. My brother Jace helps me out with my motor xross, and knows about my secret. I have always watch Jace ride when I was younger and wanted to do it as well, but when I asked my mum if I could, she said and I quote:

'Rubbish!' she yelled. 'I will not have my beautiful daughter playing about in mud and riding that metal beast!'


My mother doesn't really understand that I don't want to be a "centre of attention" kind of girl. I like being by myself, and having me time, not having a photographer shoving a camera in my face saying 'that's it sweetheart! Pout Pout, darling'... wait did I mention I'm a modal? Well, now you know that it is impossible for me to play extreme sports like motor xross because I might 'ruin my face' or 'brake a nail' like I really care, anyway. I didn't want to be in this business, this was all just at the wrong place at the wrong time kind of thing, one modal agency... one demanding mother... and a competition was all it took for me to end up an instant celebrity.

Thank god none of the guys I ride with know who I am, expect my brother he gets worried sometimes that I might fall or crash my bike or something like that, Because if the guys knew they wouldn't be my friend... but more like try to get into my pants. Being beautiful is both a blessing and a curse... more curse for me-

'Luke, you racing next?' a familiar voice came from behind me. I turned to see Ricky Cooper, even though I have been thrashing his ass every race since I began, we have a mutual friendship. He has brown hair and brown eyes, gorgeous sun-kissed skin, and over all a complete god... but his a complete asshole. Not to me, but to all those girls I see him with at the track, One minute his saying goodbye to one of the girls next hour another girl arrives. Player much, right?

'Yep, just have to rego' thank goodness for helmets, it made my usual high voice low and muffled so its easier to hind the fact that I'm a girl... or that most of the guys here have their heads shoved so far up there asses they don't take notice.

'Alright, see you on track' Okay, hormones stop ogling Ricky's butt, even if it is really- STOP, I mentally shook myself and turned back to the girl registering me.

'he was fine but you...' she gave me a look I only see when Jace picks up a girl or something... eww, I hope she's not thinking what I think she's thinking.

I've been getting this a lot lately, what is with these girl? Do they have no self respect... I guess not.

'Hey Luc- I mean Luke, Jace what's you by the trailer' that was Katelyn my Best friend on the planet, Blonde hair and blue eyes (same as me but I have green eyes) usually people at school called us the Blonde duo before I became this model, now people just come up to me just to take a picture with me or to steal my stuff to sell on EBay.

Saved by my best friend, thank god, I thought that chick was going to jump up on the table and do god knows what... this whole pretending to be a guy thing is getting harder each year.

'Yep coming' I gathered all my stuff and only smiled and left the girl to her paper work. 'Thanks for saving me Katelyn, that girl was going to jump me if you didn't come to my rescue' I whispered when we were out of ear shot.

'No problems, but' she gave me a once over in my motorbike pants and boot, which were a mix of green, yellow and black. They were pretty much too big but there was tons of armor we have to wear. 'Come to think of it, I would jump you too'

'You know that was gross on so many levels'

'I know, I'm just here to help!'

'Well if you like, you can stop helping-'

'Nah I like my job here' she cut in before I could finish.

'I just hope-' I saw Jace just up ahead with my KTM 250cc... I love my baby, I know I just called my bike 'baby'... Jace was waving for us to hurry up, so me and kate walk a little be faster. Jace is a force not to be recon with, when angry subject is objected to a) yelling b) swearing and c) usually ends in a fight, Verbal and/ or physical.

'I swear, the things I do for you Lucy' Jace is the only one who can call me Lucy, one because his my brother and two because his like huge.

'I know, but you love me' I looked over at my baby, she was orange and black with sponsor stickers plastered every where on her body. 'Is She ready?' I asked.

'Yep and I don't want to come between you and your love affair, but we have to get you to the starting line' he had a point, I'm so excited! I love racing, I've won heaps of money from it, I slit the winnings between us (even though we don't really need it considering were basically next to royalty) for like things we want without parental supervision. Our Parents are like Mr. Surge the old guy that's rich and doesn't give any of it to the poor... yeah that's my parents.

'Okay lets do this' I strapped my helmet on and kick started my bike, be fore I got on to my bike I ran over to Jace and hugged him.

'Thanks Jace' I whispered.

'You better let go of me now before people start thinking I'm gay'

(A/N: no offence to gays or anything)

I jumped on to my bike and rode down to the starting gates.


Don't worry about this horrible story.. im not going to upload this story ever again

Its really bad and bad and bad and did I mention BAD??

haha that was back when i didn't think i had a chance... lol but since everyone likes my story i have continued with it lol

hope you all like it!!!

I'm Pretending to be a Guy... Will my Secret Get Out?? Lucia && RicksonWhere stories live. Discover now