I'm Pretending to be a Guy... Will my Secret Get Out?? {Twenty-Two}

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I'm Pretending to be a Guy... Will my Secret Get Out?? {Twenty-Two}


Hey Fans!!!!

Well here is the Chapter 22 I hope you like it!!! I even get Lucia to dress up as Luke again... but I did a few things that you probably wont like... but I hope you keep reading anyway!!! All will be well with Lucia and Ricky in the end...

So I will let you to it!!! Happy reading!!




When I started walking back to our table, I began to blush uncontrollably because when I got a few feet away from the table every eye was on me. I silently moved over to sit next to Ricky.... There is no way I'm going to let a marriage interfere with my relationship with Ricky, But something was different about Ricky.

"Ricky?" I touched him on the shoulder but as soon as I made contact, he cringed away.

"Sister-in-Law" he tilted his head to the side and gave a small smile.

"What's going on with you?" I asked, slightly shaking my head in denial, no he wouldn't... would he? "You're not with them are you?"

"What are you talking about? I'm happy for my sister if that's what you mean" he put a chip in his mouth. I turned to look at the group around me, everyone was in conversation, and Katelyn and Aden were conveniently missing.

"You know that's not what I'm talking about" I turned back to him he just keep looking straight ahead. "Can we talk somewhere else?"

When stood up, and left the table, telling our friends that we were just going for a walk. We began walking in the general direction of the crowd; it was silent, not awkward or anything just silent. When we came, by an agriculture classroom that was wedged between two buildings and we walked further down the track to find a green house. We stood out the front of the green house, staring at it. I turned to face him but he was still facing the green house.

"In the beginning" he started, still facing the green house. "I didn't want this to affect our relationship... then I thought about it, about Carlee and You" he turned to me, but his face was unreadable.

"Ricky?" I didn't like where this was leading.

"And... I don't know how I'm going to do this but... we can't be together Lucia," he said softly, turning back to the green house.

"Wha-what? No, no we can work through it" I was panicking I was on the brink of hyperventilation. "We're not even technically related Ricky" I threw my hands up.

"It's not just that... I don't think it will ever work" a tear fell down my cheek, as he uttered those words, then more fell. I can't believe this was happening, I don't think I can recover from this, ever. "We're too different Lucia, and I have to stand by my sister."

"What has she ever done for you!" I sneered. He whipped around with a shadow cast over half of his face.

"She has done a lot for me Lucia!" he yelled down at me, okay that hit a nerve. "You don't understand what it's like... you don't..."

"Understand what? Tell me Ricky, Let me have a little insight on what is going on!" I was beyond frustrated. "What? Is there someone else? Is my brother not good enough for her? Come on am I getting close?"

"I haven't seen her in 4 years! All right, you happy! Our parents are apart and she lives with our mother, you understand now? Do you know what it's like to wonder what your twin is doing? What she was like? For 4 years, I missed my sister and now that she is here..." my mouth hung open, I didn't know...

I'm Pretending to be a Guy... Will my Secret Get Out?? Lucia && RicksonWhere stories live. Discover now