I'm Pretending to be a Guy... Will my Secret Get Out?? {Two}

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Hey GUYS!!

i have decided to upload this a little early then planned Because most of you think this story is awes-struck and love it... I'm continuing on with it for all my lovely fans who love it!!

Also, I will try to make this as long and exciting as I can!!

Aloha ae ia'oe !!

From tinny

Ps thanks heaps guys!!


***After Race***

. : L U C I A : .

I slowly took off my helmet in my trailer, letting my blonde hair fall in waves around my shoulders. That race was refreshing, I won about 2 thousand dollars and a really shiny gold medal, it was just a minor race but I enjoyed thrashing all the guys.

Especially Ricky.

We always end up neck and neck in the last laps, but I'm always head by at least a meter...

And speck of the devil...

"Hey Jace, is Luke here?" I heard a muffled Ricky say, wait whose Luke- SHIT! I quickly threw on skinny jeans and the first jacket I could find, and quickly put my hair up in a high ponytail. Okay remember, no eye contact, don't say your name, and defiantly NO EYE CONTACT!

"Yeah, I think He's just in the trailer" then Jace banged on the side of the trailer to give me a warning on that he was coming. I was running around trying to find my other converse, once found beside the mini frige, I hopped to the door. I reached blindly for the doorknob while tying my other shoe. Stupid shoelace! Never can tie them while multitasking. I let out a frustrated breath and finally latched on to the doorknob, just when it disappears.

"Ahh, Shit" I heard someone say before I face planted something, or more like someone. Whoever it was smelled really good...

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! There was this shoelace and it wouldn't tie and... and..." I began to regain my balance and stood up rubbing my head. Then I froze... knowing whom I just ran into. I was looking at the ground at his black, red and white muddy boots, my eyes travelled up his equally muddy motorbike pants. When my eyes travelled further, when I realize his got no shirt on, I saw a lick-able 8 pack and broad shoulders... one's to grip on to when doing- No more sexual thoughts brain! I thought to myself. My eyes travelled to his finely carved face with gorgeous brown hair framing equally chocolate brown eyes- Shit, what did I say about eye contact!

I looked away while covering my eyes with my hand. I hope to god, he doesn't recognize me as Luke the motorbike rider or as Lucia the modal.

"Hey, don't I know you?" Ricky tried to reach out to my arm but I quickly pulled away.

"N-no... No, if you don't know me... then I don't know you" I said too quickly for it to, even, be true.

"I could have swore, I've seen you before... Oh well" he sighed, jeez can I go a day without feeling sexual turned on by this guy? "Is Luke here? I've been looking for him everywhere and can't find him"

Quick, Quick think of a lie... any lie... come on throw me a freaking bone!

"Ahh, he... ahh... went out, Yeah he went out" good one Sherlock, he won't think your Luke, he will think you're a complete idiot.

"He went... out" he said slowly, he tilted his head slight when I was looking though my fingers.

"Ahh... yeah, he had to get stuff for his KTM"

"Hmm, I see" damn his stupid deep voice! "What's your name?"

Should I give him a fake name or tell him my names Lucia... Fake Name, I looked around at all the picture on the wall, and named the first thing I could see.

"Mercede... Yep, it's Mercede" I stood there waiting for his reply.

"Well, I'm Ricky" he said after a while.

"Yeah, I know-" Shit what is wrong with my mouth!

"Really?" he asked skeptical

"I mean, Luke talks about 'ass kicking' and god knows what" I used quotation marks with my fingers. "And you were mention a few times, I just had to put a name to the face" There I go again rambling about nothing!

"How do you know Luke?" Ohh, this could be very tricky.

"You ask too many questions" I have to handed it to him, he's pretty smart.

"Well, I-"

"Hey- what's going on in here?" Katelyn walks in, wiggling her eyebrows at me, Ohh no.

"Nothing kat" I hissed. She always takes things the wrong way, even if I was a few inches away from a gorgeous rider with no shirt on. "This is Ricky, Ricky this is my best friend Jamie"

"Hey" katelyn waved over at him. She walked over to stand beside me, and visibly checked him out.

"Hey" Ricky copied her.

Katelyn leaned into me and spoke in a whisper, but I'm sure Ricky could hear her.

"He is defiantly hot with a mix of totally gorgeous, How did you get that?" she gestured to Ricky's abs her chin.

"Kat, I didn't 'get' him-"

"Yeah but, what's he doing here, in this trailer, with no shirt on?"

"Hey! I'm still in the room" we hear Ricky say but we just keep arguing about what he was doing here.

"He's here looking for Luke" I yelled.

"What if he wants you?" She yelled back.

"He doesn't even know who I am!" I snapped.

"Okay then, lets tell him, Hey Ricky, She's really Lucia-" I grab her by the mouth so she could spill anything.

"Shut up, you know we can't tell anyone about my secret," I hissed so she was the only one who could hear it.

"I only doing this for your sex life, when was the last time?" she said when I let her go.

"Can we not discus my sex life to the world?" I half yelled at her.

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" Jace roared from the door, kat and I both fell quiet.

"Hey! Where did Ricky go?" Katelyn looked around the trailer.

"He left while you too were at each other's throat"

"Well, I'm sorry for almost telling him you secret Luc" Kat apologized. "Do you forgive me?"

"Yes but do it again and I'm killing" I said when we hugged.

"Okay now that you too are done, we have to go" Jace informed me.

"What? Why?" I stepped forward in front of Jace.

"Mum, just rang and said you have a photo shoot at 5.. And it is" he checked his watch. " It is 3 we have about two hours to get everything packed up, so hurry up" with that Jace walk out of the trailer. Damn it, not another Photo shoot, All yesterday I had photo shoot after photo shoot for all kinds of products, what will it be this time?

"Hey, I know how you feel about these Photo shoots Luc, but just think it could be worse"

As long as the male models are no one, I know... I'll be glad


Hey! There's the second chapter!!

I hope you liked it

What do you think about Ricky and Lucia???

What could happen at the next photo shoot???

What do you think about Jace and Lucia's Mother???

Anyway show some love and...




Or even become a fan... whatever suits you're fancy

I'm Pretending to be a Guy... Will my Secret Get Out?? Lucia && RicksonWhere stories live. Discover now