I Want to Believe Her...

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I want to believe her, and that’s why I do

When she says to me that she doesn’t like you

But I can see it in her eyes, her face,

In the way that she can’t help but gaze

I knew I’d be forced to deal with this

But I postponed it as long as I could wish

When I’m alone with just you, everything’s all right

But as soon as she shows up I’m prepared to fight

And the longer and longer that this goes on

The more and more I wish I were wrong

I will myself to believe her lies

Because I know at first she really did try

Sometimes the Girl Code just can’t overrule

The way that your heart wants to fight its own duel

And I understand the pain she feels inside,

I’ve been there before and it’s so hard to hide

But I don’t want her like you, as you plainly can see

And I wish she’d at least come out and tell me

She does have feelings for you, much as I hate to admit it

And the feelings she has are growing by the minute

And I’m terrified, because the more that they do,

The more I’m scared you’ll start liking her too

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