Chapter 2

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"Hey I shot gunned that bed, Mila" Dinah yells

"You snooze you lose" Camila teases

"Hey guys did you hear that Jauregui, was crying earlier in the girls bathrooms" Normani asks

"No, I heard nothing about that" Ally says

"I don't really care to be honest, that girl is poison" Dinah says honestly

"Dinah, why are you so mean that poor girl hasn't done anything wrong against you, why are you so judgmental"'Camila demands

"You know why, she's a Jauregui and a Jauregui is always one and they will never change their ways" Dinah yells

"I'm going for a walk" Camila says calmly

"Don't be too long lights out in 30 minutes" Ally says

"Sure, I won't be long, just want it clear my head" Camila replies

Camila walks out of the Gryffindor common room and talk a little stroll down a few stair cases, she hears the faint sobbing of what seems to be a girl, Camila follows the sound of sobbing, it makes her reach a small platform on the bottom of the staircase to the right.

"Are you alright" Camila asks the girl. The girl wipes her eyes with the sleeve of her Gryffindor sweater.

"No not really" The girls replies, tears rolling down her face

"I'm Camila by the way, Camila Cabello" Camila introduces herself

"Lauren, Lauren Jauregui" Lauren says sadly

"So why is such a pretty girl like you crying" Camila says but then instantly regrets as it sounds so fuck boy like

"You know, just my parent are going to hate me and everyone here hates me" Lauren sobs

"Hey, you don't know that, I'm sure they will love you regardless" Camila reassures Lauren

"Thanks, but I know my parents well and I know they will not take this lightly, I'm a disgrace to my family for being so weak and un- Slytherin like" Lauren says weakly

"Sometimes you've just gotta be yourself and obviously this has showed your not like them Lauren your different, and different  is good nobody likes normality, at-least I don't" Camila says whilst smiling at Lauren

"I'm glad someone understands me, I told my family I was nothing like then, in all ways, I wouldn't hurt I fly, I admire beauty in every shape and size, imperfection is perfection to me" Lauren says eloquently

"I knew you were different, I could see it in your eyes" Camila confesses

"You can read eyes now" Lauren asks confused

"I'm good at reading people's body language, and you are giving me some good vibes you seems a really nice and genuine person, and I admire that in a person" Camila says truthfully

"That means a lot Camila, you think we can be friends maybe, your the only person that seems to want to be around me" Lauren asks

"Sure, I would like that" Camila responds instantly

"It's nearly lights out, wanna walk back to the Gryff common room together" Camila asks

"Yes sure we're going to the same place anyway" Lauren laughs

"What room are you in" Camila asks

"It's the second room, first bed on the left" Lauren responds

"Oh I'm in the first room, with my friends Dinah, ally and Normani" Camila replies

"Well we've reached our destination, it was nice talking to you Camila, your really sweet" Lauren says

"Thanks, you too, nice to able to talk to you" Camila says whilst blushing

"Night Cabello" Lauren says and winks as she walks away

"Night Jauregui" Camila says loudly and she hears Lauren laugh at the response

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