Chapter 12

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Camila's P.O.V
"Lauren" I whisper whilst gently stoking her cheek

"Lauren, time to get up" I whisper again and her beautiful emerald orbs widen and she radiates a small smile and then bites her lip.

"Morning Camz" She rasps

"Feeling any better" I ask

"Yes a lot more thanks to you" Lauren smiles

"But, you know what would make me feel even more better" she continues with a huge grin

"Hmm, food" I say

"Well that's one part of it" Lauren giggles

"By the look on your face, I know what you want and it's not happening until you get out of bed you lazy little thing" I sass

"Fine" Lauren sighs and then rises from lying down into a sitting position

"Do I get a kiss now or are you going to continue teasing me" Lauren questions

"I think you deserve a kiss after what you've been through yesterday" I hum

I stared deep into her emerald green eyes, I cupped her cheek that was slowly turning red. I smiled at her before slowly I leaned into her. My other hand was shaking slightly, my mind was repeating the same sentence over and over,"I'm in love with this girl." But the sound of my heart was beating so loudly I couldn't concentrate. It felt like it was going to explode.

My lips touched hers in a soft exchange of lip movement, I knew I had already kissed Lauren several times already but this one felt different, no hunger for each other just a pure and raw feeling of love, I was totally falling for this girl and I wasn't getting up any time soon.

"Camila" Lauren whisperers whilst rubbing her thumb over my lips.

" yes Lauren " I say

"I love you" She smiles and plants a kiss on my forehead 

"I love you too, Lo" I giggle and snuggle into the crook of her neck, I can feel the warmth from her body and her heart beating fast.
Lauren's P.O.V
"Why did you want to see me Headmaster" I ask worried

"I need you to tell me what happened up there Lauren" Dumbledore says remorseful

"If it's what I think it could be then the school is in danger, we would have to go into lockdown" He adds

"It was something I've never saw before, it had no face and was wearing black robes, it was very ghost like and I felt weak around it and cold" I say

"Oh dear" Dumbledore mutters

"What's wrong" I ask

"That thing that attacked you, is a dementor! The school is in grave danger and must be protected I will have to notify the ground keepers to send us into tight security and 24/7 lockdown or else something bad things might happen" Dumbledore stutters and with that Dumbledore disappeared and I was left sat in his office alone.
Camila's P.O.V
"What's happening" I panic as I see the doors of the castle begin to close shut followed by several beams of wood locked into place onto it, and then followed by the windows bars rising up and blocking some of the sunlight making it dim.

"Dj, what is going on" I whimper

"I'm not sure but all I know is I'm hella creeped out" Dinah says

"Mila, Dinah" two voices yell, it was Normani and Ally approaching us with both worried looks on there faces much like us

"What the hell is going on" Normani says

"No-one knows" Ally exclaims

"The schools gone into lockdown" a raspy voice calls out which I recognise to be my Lauren, she walks down the stairs and joins with the rest of us.

"L-lockdown, what" I say

"Don't worry Camz, it's for our own safety, you see that thing out there that attacked me wasn't something ordinary it was a dementor" She gulps

"A what" Dinah asks

"A Dementor is a non-being and Dark creature, considered one of the foulest to inhabit the world. Dementors feed upon human happiness, and thus cause depression and despair to anyone near them" Ally bursts out

"Ally what did I tell you about swallowing dictionary's" Normani laughs

"Shut up atleast I read" Ally says

"Well at least I know how to have fun, anyone would have though a Dementor sucked all the fun out of you" Normani argued back

"Now is not the time for a petty argument, get your shit together, if you haven't noticed our school is in possible danger and for all we know we could get attacked at any point" Lauren yells

"Sorry" ally and Normani say in unison

"So what happens now" I ask

"Everything remains normal apart from the fact we can't get out of this damn castle, so no Quidditch and no Hoggsmeade" Lauren says

"That sucks" Dinah groans

"I'd rather that then saving my soul sucked out by some mortal creature" Lauren murmured

"Jauregui" Austin beams

"Please go away" Lauren snaps

"Was it your clever idea to let the dementors out" He sneers

"As a matter of fact no, I was attacked by one of those foul beasts and if we're you I would run along before I loose my temper with you" Lauren snarls

"Touchy, god you're such a bitch" He insults

"Bye Dorito boy" I yelled

"Fuck off you worthless mudblood bitch" Austin says but then was grabbed angrily by his robe and pushed against the wall by Lauren and then had him by his throat.

"Say one more thing about Camila and I swear to god you won't breathe again, got it" Lauren yelled and let's go of Austin and clutches his neck in agony

"Don't worry I won't speak one word to your precious girlfriend" Austin breathes

"Good, now go" Lauren demands and with that Austin runs away.

"Girlfriend, aye" Dinah questions

"Well that what Austin seemed to think" Lauren says calmly

"So your not together" Normani asks

"No, not exactly officially" I say

"We're taking it slow, no need to rush" Lauren rasps

"But maybe one day she will be Mrs Jauregui" Lauren smirks
--------------------------------------------------------------Hi everyone, updates are pretty slow I'm sorry but I have mock exams all next week so I'm most likely going to not be able to update for a week, however I hope you enjoyed this chapter and also don't forget to vote and comment -Alisha ❤️

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