Chapter 17

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Lauren's P.O.V

It had been 5 days since Camila's disappearance, and honestly I was so close to the point of giving up but then all I could think about was her pretty little face and how she smile could light up a whole city. There was no way that I was going to give up. I had already had several search party's try to help me find Camz. Me, Dinah, Mani and Ally had been out several times but had no luck, it was frustrating. Not only had I lost the love of my life but it felt like a piece of me is missing, it hurts. The whole school was talking about it, making me even more anxious. The previous day before I had heard a group of guys saying

"I bet you know who took her, or the dementors I mean there gone now so maybe they took what they wanted and left, it's the only thing that would hurt Lauren". It's true the dementors left the day after Camila went missing and I couldn't help but think the rumours were true, it made sense. Voldemort probably knew Camila meant a tremendous amount to me, knowing it would eventually tear me apart not having a clue where she was.

For the whole 5 days since Camila went missing I had sat in my dorm room, perched on the window overlooking the castle grounds. Dinah had tried to take me out but I refused. I am just so anxious and heartbroken, that I don't want to do anything. I was currently sat in the same position, my legs tucked up into my chest and my head on top. Tears rolling down my pale face, hitting the floor which was forming a wet patch. All I could think about was the letter that I found, I have no clue who it was but they were going to regret taking my Camz, to be honest I have no clue if she is in the castle or not, I hope she is.

Camila's P.O.V

Tired, sore and a lot of other things I felt, my arms were red and I was in pain the rope had tugged at me from my desperate attempt at escaping, which failed as the ropes were so tight. I had lost all hope, I missed her, Lauren if you can hear me I love you. I might never see her again, the thought haunted me every day I was stuck in this dungeon.

"Camila" A husky voice said, Austin...

"Austin, please let me go" I cry desperately

"No way, let's just wait until your girl finds you" Austin says

"Lauren, doesn't know where I am" I sob

"Well I left a letter in your locker, and I know she has received it" Austin mumbles

"What did you say" I ask

"For her to meet me in the astronomy tower, tonight at 11, she wins you go free, I win your dead and so will she" Austin laughs

"What you can't do this don't hurt her just kill me" I cry

"Sorry no can do, I've made my statement and I'm going to stick by it, even though I would love to kill you I'm not going to" Austin snarls and grabs me by my jaw.

"Such a pretty girl, what a shame" Austin remarks and slaps me hard across my face. Tears cascade down my face, and I can also feel blood coming out of my nose.

"Can I have a tissue, atleast" I ask desperately

"No, you cannot" Austin replies coldly

"Do you want me to bleed out, please" I demand

"I said no, and I mean no, anyway I need to prepare for the duel, goodnight Camila, sleep tight" Austin smirks and exits the dungeon and locks the door.

"Lauren" I scream knowing that she wouldn't hear me but her name comforted me somehow

"Lauren" I cry

"I love her, please don't let her get hurt, I'd never forgive myself" I whisper

Lauren's P.O.V
It was getting late and I remember how the person had informed me through the letter how today I would duel them in the astronomy tower, I probably had no chance but I would fight for my girl. It was currently 10:45 pm time to leave, I pick up my invisibility cloak and pick up my wand from the sideboard and leave.

I keep the cloak on as I approach the astronomy tower, so they wouldn't be able to see me. I knew I would stand no chance so I would have to cheat, keep on the cloak and surprise them with a curse to the chest. I entered the tower, a dark figure standing in the centre of the room but facing away from me, it was clearly a boy. I move towards them, and they swiftly turn around. AUSTIN, I should have known. I stand still making sure he is unsure of my presence, his eyes are alert, I'm pretty sure he is aware I'm somewhere near.

"Homenum Revelio" Austin yells and my cloak falls off my body landing on the ground.

"Wow Lauren, didn't expect you to play dirty" Austin snarls

"I'm here to fight for Camila" I yell

"You think you stand a chance, you'll be dead soon don't worry and I'll take care of Camila, if you know what I mean" Austin smirks

"You won't lay a finger on her" I scream

"Too late" Austin snaps

"What have you done" I demand

"Might of broken her nose, she's a bit bruised, I gave her a good beating, she was being a bad girl" Austin murmurs

"What the hell Austin, why would you do that" I yell

"To get you back Jauregui" Austin snarls

"I hate you" I say

"Well now let's prepare to duel" Austin announces he points his wand towards me and then...

"AVARDA KEDAVA" Austin yells

"EXPELLIARMUS" I shriek, both of our spells hit each other connecting, his was green and mine was red. I hold onto my wand tightly making sure not to loose the connection or his spell would hit me. The spells were pushing against each other like two of the same magnets repealing each other. I could feel the grip loosening, making me panicked, however I still hold on, I close my eyes and picture me and Camila together, I will win. I open my eyes again Austin was gritting his teeth and his wand was slowing traveling downwards as he was loosing grip.

"No" He yells as his wand slips out of his hand, it breaks in half from the impact and I point it at him.

"Tell me where she is" I yell

"The d-dungeon" Austin stutters

"And will that Dungeon be locked or will I need a key" I ask

"Here" Austin says and throws a set of keys a me

"I would say thank you but, why would I after all the shit you've put me though" I cry. Now I had been one step in frount of Austin after accepting his duel I had told Dumbledore that I would need someone to arrive and take the person away, and I knew they were coming so I stood still.

"Stay still" A voice boomed, Dumbledore stood tall his wand pointed at Austin, he stood frozen.

"Thank you sir, I need to go and find Camila" I say

"No problems Lauren, now go and get your girl" Dumbledore smiles and then I run down the spiral staircase which leads me deep down into the castle dungeon, it was a fairly complex system but I would find her.

"Camila" I yell and run through the hallways which were fairly dim and the only source of light was little lanterns which were mounted on the walls.

"Camz" I scream and I hear a whimpering sound coming from a doorway, I get the keys and place one into the key hole, one at a time until I found the right one. None of them fit so there was only one way.

"ALOHOMORA" I shriek and the door falls open and I rush in, Camila was lay on the floor, her face bruised but she was still beautiful.

"Camz" I say and she looks at me with tears in her eyes

"Babe" She hums softly

"I'm here baby" I say as I untie the ropes off her hands and legs and then pull into a tight embrace, placing my head into her chest and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I love you" I say as I kiss her gently on the lips

"I love you too, Lolo" Camila smiles

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