Chapter 13

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Lauren's P.O.V
"I honestly don't know how long I can last without being able to go outside, I'm seriously going to go insane" I sigh and rub my hands over the warm fire blazing in the common room lounge

"It's only been two days and I already hate it, if only there was a way we could get out" Camila yawns

"I wouldn't want to risk going outside, the castle is swarmed with foul beasts" I gulp

"I just want to be able to breath in some nice fresh air instead of this stale shit which is a pathetic excuse of me breathing" Camila groaned

"I mean it wouldn't harm us to try and find a way out onto the balcony, is there" I question

"Should be fine as long as we're not too long" Camila replies

"Ok then so how do we get outside onto the balcony" I ask

"Well in my dorm room the window is actually not covered by bars so we could just open the window and let some air in that way" Camila suggests

"Oh ok that seems like a logical idea, let's go upstairs into your dorm" I say

We both begin to exit the large room and walk up the spiral staircase and then take the first left of the stairs which goes directly to the girls dorms, and then we walk down the corridor to the first door on the left.

"Home sweet home" Camila said

"And here is the window" Camila points out to a average sized window that was kind of dusty and could do with a good clean, and as Camila said it had no bars covering it, perfect.

"The only problem is that it's jammed, I've tried to open it before but it won't budge" Camila remarks

"Camila have you forgotten the fact we have wands that can do anything" I say whilst rising my eyebrows

"Oh, true never though about it really" Camila smiles

"Your such a idiot" I mumbled

"I'm your idiot" Camila proclaimed

"Yes you are my idiot and nobody else's" I say

"Getting territorial now are we" Camila sasses

"Only claiming what's mine" I flirt back

"Mhh, is that so" Camila smirks and raises her eyebrows and then gives me a quick peck on the lips. I point my wand at the window and then proceed to cast the charm.

"Alohomora" I yell and the window effortlessly opens, I could feel the cold breeze from outside blowing into the dormitory, I poke me head outside the window to breath in the fresh, crisp air and then I see something alarming.

"C-Camz, is that what I think it is" I stammer

"Erm, let me see" Camila says and the I hear her gulp hard and her eyes widen

"Yes, I believe so, b-but how did this get there, has he returned I mean the dark mark is only projected into the sky when a deed is done, so what has happened" Camila whined

"I don't know but I don't feel so good" I mumble

"Why what's the matter lo" Camila asks

"I just feel light headed, that's all" I moan

"I think maybe I should close the window" Camila says and slams it to a haul and then puts the locking spell onto the window.

"Colloportus" Camila rasps

"Can I stay with you tonight" I ask

"Yes, of course you can" Camila replies and she gets into bed and lies down next to me.

"Lolo, what's the matter" Camila asks worriedly

"I'm scared, Camz" I sob

"It's ok baby, I'm not going to let anyone or thing hurt you, I promise, ok?" Camila rasps and wipes the tears from Lauren's red eye.

"What if he's come for me Camz, I don't want you to get hurt too, please don't put me before you, I don't want to see you get hurt" I cry

"Lauren you know I don't care if I get hurt, what would I be without you" Camila sniffles

"I just don't want you to get harmed over something that doesn't involve you" I state

"Lauren, listen whatever your concerned in, I am too, what your apart of I am also, your the piece of jigsaw that completes me" Camila sobs

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you too, I want you to be mine, officially will you do the honours of being my girlfriend Lauren" Camila smiled happily

"I love you with all my heart Camz, I would be so damn happy to be your girlfriend" I giggle

"So that's a yes right" Camila asks

"Yes, of course it's a yes" I smile

"Sh." I hushed her, before moving my finger, and pressing my hand against her cheek, giving me more support to push myself towards her, and connect our lips again. My lips were firm against hers, but the kiss remained soft, gentle, slow. We held it for a few seconds, before our lips began to move in perfect sync, slowly, cautiously. I exhaled through my nose, not wanting to let go. My entire body had been taken over by the overwhelming feeling of relief, combined with eccentric panic, and lust. I moved my hand from her cheek to the back of her head, my fingers tangling in her long, dark chocolate hair, lightly pulling her into me, adding more pressure to our lips, deepening the kiss.

"I'm so deeply in love with you" I mummer

"So I am" Camila replies

"Our love is so unique, and when we touch you make me shiver" I admit

"Stop, you make me wanna do bad things to you" Camila giggles

"What's stopping you" I ask

I felt a hot breath on my neck, then the tender brush of lips. Burning as they made contact with my neck. A hand run through my hair, as the kisses become harder and more urgent. Another hand slides around my waist, and pulled me closer to her pine scented body. Her kisses were now on my shoulders and in my hair. Camila softly attached her warm lips onto my own and kissed me in a chaste kiss, then catching my bottom lip in between her teeth. She then continued to rub the exposed skin on my stomach making circular patterns, her touch burned and tingled leaving me speechless. Her head moves forward meeting mine, our noses touching and her warm breath blowing onto my cold skin, she then begins again to softly kiss my neck, moving down the whole length of my neck, soft kisses became more harder and then that become the slight sucking of the pale skin on my neck, leaving my pale skin bruised but it felt so good that I didn't care.
Authors note:
Hey everyone, I knew I said I wouldn't update this week because of my mocks however I decided to anyway 😉 I only have 2 left anyway (maths and travel and tourism) and then I will try my hardest to update atleast twice a week. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm so sorry of the writing and description of all the kissing e.c.t is bad I feel so awkward writing that stuff, but I do it just for you guys. Don't forget to vote, comment and follow if you haven't yet! -Alisha ❤️😘

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