Chapter 19

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Lauren's p.o.v
Breathtaking, simply stunning there was no words to describe the beautiful building in front of me as the car pulled up into the stone slab driveway. It was near dusk and the sun was setting, Amber mixing with the light blue making a perfect combination of colours. The journey had took several hours and I'm excited to get into a nice warm bed or have a hot chocolate. Camila was still asleep, her chest rising and falling rhythmically, slow breathing, rapid eye movement, dreaming, stillness of deep sleep, heavily asleep, light sleeper, fit-full stressed sleep, in the land of nod. She looked so comfortable, I didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty but I had to.

I tucked a piece of her chocolate brown hair that protruded out behind her ear, and then softly caressing her face, I bring my soft lips onto the tip of her nose holding it for a few seconds. Her eyes slowly open and I'm greeted with her warm brown eyes, she lets out a loud yawn and cuddles into my chest.

"We're here" I whisper into her ear, then I nibble it and suck on her earlobe and she lets out a soft moan. Thank god her family had left the car.

"Baby we better get inside, they'll be wondering where we are" Camila moans and quickly pecks a kiss onto my lips

"I love you" I blurt out

"I love you too" Camila grins

I grab onto Camila's warm hand and exit the car, shutting the door behind us. Her parents had already took out bags out of the car, so we walked straight into the massive house hand in hand. Camila's parents greet us with a piping hot mug of hot chocolate, topped with cream and marshmallows.

"Thank you Sinu" I smile and follow Camila into a large well lit room, the walls were painted in a calming light blue colour and a large tv mounted onto the wall above a roaring fireplace made out of brick. We both sat down onto the creme leather sofa, and instantly feel comfort the coldness of the leather hitting the bare skin of my legs. The rest of Camila's family enters the room and sits down on the bigger sofa opposite of us.

"So Lauren, tell us how did you meet Camila" Alejandro coughs

"Well I believe it was late at night I was upset as I as scared my family wouldn't want anything to do with me because I was sorted in Gryffindor and they were both Slytherin and then she came and asked me if I was ok and after that things blossomed" I passionately speak

"So you're parents are disappointed in you" Sinu asks

"I'm not sure, their just being stubborn, however I hope they come around" I say strongly

"Well you're a great girl Lauren, I'm sure they will come around eventually" Alejandro says comfortingly

"I hope so" I mutter

"Lauren is also on the Quidditch team like me" Camila pipes

"Oh really which position" Sofi smiles

"Seeker" I answer with a huge grin on my face

"What does that entail, sorry I mean you'll have to educate us muggle folk" Sinu laughs

"Well my job is to catch a ball called the golden snitch, if I catch it the team automatically wins the game" I say

"Oh that seems exciting" Sinu beams

"Lolo will you help me pick out some pyjamas" Sofi says enthusiastically

"Sure Princess" I reply

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