Chapter 5

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This is a longer chapter for you all hope you enjoy 2000 words to be precise don't forget to vote comment and follow- Alisha ❤️
"Welcome all of our first years, I hope you have enjoyed your hogwarts experience so far, this is an announcement for all years the third floor corridor is strictly out of bounds for those who do not wish to die a painful death" Dumbledore announces

"Anyway all aside let the feast begin" The old guy with a thick white beard bellows

"What's up chancho, why aren't you eating" The Polynesian girl says

"Just not that hungry" I reply whilst yawning, I mean I'm totally not just staring at Lauren and I mean I am hungry but that would mean I have to stop looking at her and I'm not doing that I think to myself. Her eyes are so freaking beautiful, they are emerald green and are sparkling from the light of floating candles above her. Oh shit she just caught me glancing at her, how embarrassing omg. Stay calm, omg bitch she just looked back at me, I might have a chance, I should totally smile, erm no that's really cheesy or I could wink but then that's totally fuck boy like. Sugar honey ice tea! what do I do..... am I really thinking about this situation in my head I'm so lame.

Ok breath, you can do this.... for Sparta!! I pluck up the courage and face in her direction until her holy god damn eyes connect with my own and I smile, and she smiles back. Yes I did it yes, I flannel my arms around in pure glee and my clumsy nature gets exposed when I knock over my goblet of water... wow smooth one Camila. I see Lauren laughing to herself after I knocked the goblet over, great I just embarrassed myself in front of my crush, why do I always mess everything up.

"Mila, it's time to move bed time" Dinah calls

"Erm I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" I stutter

"Want me to come with" The tall girl asks

"No you go ahead to the dorm, I won't be that long" I yawn

"Ok then see you in a few minutes" Dinah smiles

It turns out the school bathroom is massive gosh it's like a church it even has slightly scary stain glass windows with images of mermaids and shit. The cubicles are about as tall as Mount Everest, and makes you feel extremely claustrophobic. I can hear voices from outside my cubicle probably just some first years like me. I flush the toilet, which I really hate the sound so I rush outside as fast as I can.

"Cabello" a voice calls out

"Canola" another voice says
I turn around and there are two girls which I recognise to be Perrie Edwards and Jade Thirwall, both heartless cows and had been both sorted into Slytherin.

"What do you want" I ask

"Nothing, you filthy mug-blood, can't a girl go to the toilets without getting questioned" Perrie snaps

"Well it's just curious isn't it" I reply

"You know what's curious, how you actually have any friends, because your a absolute freak Cabello, or did rich muggle mommy and daddy buy your friends" Perrie snorts

"Don't bring my parents into this, and no atleast I have friends that are nice and aren't bullies unlike you, I'm sorry for you jade having a friend who can't shut her gob and always bully's others just because she has family issues and anger issues, we can all play that game" I spit

"How the fuck you know that Cabello" Perrie snarls

"Well let's say I know everything" I giggle

"I've had enough of your shit, we'll see who's laughing in a minute when I wipe that grin off you face you fucking mug-blood bitch" Perrie shouts

"I very highly doubt that Edwards" a familiar voice sound

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