Chapter 11

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"Welcome to the Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff match" The young boy with shabby hair yells excitedly though his microphone

"The very first match of the season, who will win" The boy says
Lauren's p.o.v
"Guys, remember stay focused don't let anyone bother you" Shawn informs everyone

"I want everyone to perform to the best of their ability" Shawn adds

"You ok Camz" I smile and stroke her gently on her cheek

"I'm just nervous" Camila admits

"You'll be fine" I gleam

"That's the plan" Camila smiles

"Everyone get ready" Shawn shouts

The gate opens slowly in front of us, crowds cheering loudly as we begin to appear onto the Quidditch pitch, I make sure to focus on my broom didn't want another accident.

"Last years winner Gryffindor!!" The announcer cheers

We all get into our positions on the pitch, I try to centre my focus onto the game a dark figure shoots across the sky and catches my glimpse however it soon disappears.

"I want a nice clean game, 3,2,1 GO" Madam Hooch says and then the balls launch up into the air, I knew at this point I wouldn't be able to catch the snitch as when its first released its extremely fast however it does slow down eventually, it's just a waiting game.

I proceed to zoom across the pitch to get out of the way as I couldn't have any other involvement in the game except for catching the snitch. I watch my fellow team mates as they make a quick attack up the right hand side and break though passing it to Tyler who lobs the ball through the 10 point hoop. Next thing I know we're up by 30 points to Hufflepuffs 5 points.

I though the time was now appropriate to begin to make the chase after the snitch, the weather had completely changed, The clouds are hanging low in the sky. Gray and ominous, they seemed to be draining the happiness out of my day, storing it in its fluffy reserves.  Observing the same cycle for the past month, I know that the happiness the clouds had taken from me so greedily will become too heavy, and be returned back as cold, driving rain. It's depressing, but that's England for you. The conditions were becoming slightly unbearable however I was determined to catch the snitch again.

The snitch was higher up in the air than usual and a thick blanket of fog surrounded it. I began to rise up into the air guiding my broom after the golden ball and that's  when Black clouds sprawl across the sky, billowing in from the west. The air grows heavy and the humidity presses down, suffocating. The scent of rain is dark and heady. A stillness falls over the street, and in the silence comes a low crackle of thunder, rolling across the Quidditch pitch to the pattering of tiny raindrops. For a moment, everything stops. Even the wind holds its breath. A streak of hot silver splits the sky, and the downpour begins. My breath hicks at the sudden flash in the sky, one of the many things I've always been afraid of.

The dark figure that I saw earlier swooped around in the sky again, making me panic slightly, what was it? It keep appearing and disappearing, not giving me enough time to make out what it was. It got closer and that when I abandoned all hope on catching the snitch and began to descend down, I was not risking anything for a game of Quidditch. A cold breeze caught the hairs on the back of my neck atleast it thought it was the breeze, I turn my head to see a dark ghostly figure, which was draped in what seems to be black robes and its face was completely black out SHIT. I tried to get down to the pitch as fast as I could, the grim reaper like thing still following me.

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