Chapter 18

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Camila's p.o.v

It was the end of term, it was near to Christmas and I was excited to see my family, I've missed being in their presence, what can I say family is everything to me. I couldn't wish for a better life, I had a really supportive family and the best girlfriend in the world . I am going home for Christmas and Lauren's coming with me as her family are being idiots and my family didn't seem to object, they seem to really like her which is a bonus. So I get to spend the most magical day with the people I love.

"I would like to wish everyone a great Christmas and don't forget term begins the 10th January" Dumbledore's authoritative voice booms as he raises a goblet filled with mull wine.

"So what are everyone's plans for the holidays" I ask

"Well I'm going to see my family and we are going to Hawaii for Christmas" Dinah beams

"Wow lucky" I say

"I'm just going to see my friends and family to celebrate the holidays" Normani adds

"I'm going to see Troy and my family" Ally giggles with a smile imbedded in her lips

"I get to celebrate Christmas with my beautiful girlfriend and my soon to be family in law" Lauren smiles and kisses my cheek. Dinah makes fake sick sounds and Normani slaps her arm.

"Hey what was that for?" Dinah demands

"They're cute stop" Normani says as she crosses her arms

"The train will be leaving soon we better get our belongings" Ally announces

"Yes mum" the four girls say in unison, they all laugh as Ally rolls her eyes but still laughs at the lame comment.
Lauren's p.o.v
The ruby red train rolled up to the platform, thick grey smoke exuding from the tall chambers, The Hogwarts Express. People around me were saying their last goodbyes, embracing each other into tight meaningful hugs. All houses were merged together, 4 houses, one home. As the train came to a halt, I clambered aboard shortly followed by Camila and the rest of the girls. I slid open the glass door to the first compartment of the train and sat down in the seat furthest from the window as I often got travel sick, Camila sat next to me and then ally took the third seat next to the window which meant Dinah and Normani sat on the opposite side.

The glass window was fogged up as the weather was freezing cold, Ally drew patterns on the window which I recognised to be the Gryffindor crest. It was that cold that every time I breathed out steam was visible.

"It's so cold" I moaned

"I know, here have my gloves babe" Camila smiled and pulled out a pair of perfectly folded red and orange Gryffindor gloves which had the letters C.C embroidered on them, as she gave them to me I trace my fingers over the letters, feeling the smooth silky cotton and I smiled to myself. I place them on my hands one at a time, the lining was fluffy and insulated the heat, keeping my hands toasty.

"I can't wait to go home" Camila smiles and takes hold of my glove covered hand and interlocks our fingers.

"Me too, I can't wait to meet your family, I'm kind of nervous though" I mumble

"Please don't they're the most normal people you will ever meet, really supportive and understanding" Camila beams and cups my chin in her moderately cold hands, and then softly pecks a kiss on my cold chapped lips.

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